Love the world!

8/8 countries. Dang! It was a long week - of traveling and now blogging. PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC was our next and final stop! The top and really only thing on our to do list was... Trdelniks. And boy did we cross those off - multiple times haha. We ate a lot of good food, saw a lot of pretty views, danced to street music and visited the famous John Lennon wall. The morning actually started off a little rough with some airbnb issues, but whats traveling without a couple bumps in the road? We ended up spending the early hours of the morning at our safe haven - McDonalds. The golden arches have become our home away from home, not even mad. Not the best start to the day, but it was all ok in the end and we all still had one of the funnest days yet. Ill be the first to say that I miss school, but its also awesome to be learning in such a real way, out in the world. Traveling has taught me so much. Whether it be how to use public transit or how to respect other peoples cultures and norms. It has been so amazing to travel this awesome world and to see and learn from so many different types of people. One thing, that I can't stand, is having to pay for public restrooms. So far, I have not given in, but its cool to see how different things are in certain parts of the planet. Story time - We had dinner at a restaurant in Prague and none of us ordered water because we had our own. Well as we took our water bottles out of our backpacks, our waiter came over and told us we weren't allowed to drink from our own water bottles. This didn't make us too happy, but we were thirsty and this waiter was no about to have us drink our own water. He was watching us like a hawk. We would tell each other when he wasn't looking and we would snag a quick drink, but anyways Ive never heard of anyone not being able to drink their own water at a restaurant but apparently that was disrespectful here in prague. Sorry about it :/ Kind of funny, but I love this world and the differences I have been able to see and experience. 

I thought my first trdelnik was good, but holy moly this one was delicious. 
Cant get over it actually. 

Also funny story!!! -  We were playing what are the odds and paige lost so she had to put a hat on the street and start dancing. And she crushed it. It was so dang funny that Izzy peed herself. Not just a little, but full on unleashed. Such a fun night. I love the times where we just have no plans and we just make the best memories. Another thing Ive loved about Europe is having the opportunity to visit so many places I would've never even thought about. Who would ever think to visit Czech or Hungary? So glad I was able to visit these hidden gems. 

Another funny story - Our flight home was somewhat terrifying. Like Im a weirdo and I love it when the plane goes through turbulence, but this plane was literally as big as a semi truck and the wind was insane - I thought there was a pretty good chance we were gonna crash land. Not that I was freaking out, but I had just accepted that we were probably going to die. Anyways the pilot is heading towards the landing strip and he is picking up speed! ya, PICKING UP SPEED! What the heck. He lands the two back wheels then takes back off into the air. We had a pretty tight connection as it was so this made it close to impossible to make our next flight. Well long story short, we landed somewhat safely and booked it to our next flight. Barely made it and arrived safely back in our sweet town of Vilnius. Never thought I would be happy to be home in Lithuania. We came home to most of the snow melted which was so nice. Loved our time in Prague and can't wait to go back some day. What a crazy week and just like that back to real life... after a week of 6 flights, 4 buses, 3 trains and over 80 miles of walking. wow life is rad. Much love from Czech✓ (Czeched that off the bucket list, haha Im punny)


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