Just an overall GOOD week!

This week was nothing special, but it was just so much fun. The snow has officially melted and I could not be happier, seriously. We are ten times more productive and motivated to get out of the apartment now that we have decent weather. Good for my mental health and physical health (running), but not so good for my bank account or physical health (eating out). We ate out for lunch everyday this week except monday, which is a TON! Oh well, I only have two more months out here so I gotta experience while I can! Speaking of only two months left... this week was our half way mark! Crazy how the time has flown by, yet I feel like Ive been here my whole life. Im so so excited for the next couple months and for the adventures and memories to come. Love this life out here and Im truly enjoying it more and more each day. This place has become home and these people have become like family to me. Its awesome. I never would have imagined of saying that two months ago, so as much as Im looking forward to May 1st, Im also somewhat dreading it. 

The roomie situation in our apartment worked out perfectly. Izzy and paige go to bed super early and me and madi stay up till the early hours of the morning blogging, netflixing, talking about life and dance partying it up. Its the best. In this picture we were having a scooby doo movie night and Im not even mad.

Welcome to thee worst and nastiest place in Vilnius... for some reason it is a popular attraction so of course we had to go, but never again - The Cat Cafe. You literally eat surrounded by furry little devils. It is quite nasty and as you can see I wasn't too comfortable. But its another place checked off the list of things to do in our hometown!

Sunny days and Oreo bars make for a happy Laynee. The maxima (our grocery store) by our apartment has been all out of oreo bars for weeks now! Maybe its a sign I should stop eating them, but don't worry I found them at the mall!

A GRILLED CHEESE BURGER! holy moly. It was heaven! So Rachel, from ILP, came for our mid semester visit today. She had some meetings with us, took us out to eat and watched us teach. She told us she was paying for lunch and to "go crazy" and as you can see we definitely went crazy! A burger in between two grilled cheese. And wow you guys would be proud of how fast I downed it. 

Next up - a beautiful Oreo ice cream sundae. Wow today was a good day. 

Women's Day in Lithuania is the real deal! Ive never even heard of this day before until now and all women around town are walking around with flowers. Its kinda cool. My kids Ilias and Daniel brought me these flowers, such dang cuties. 

It was just one of those super good school days today. We had a lot of fun and they were all crazy, but we went with it and just had a good time.

Crazy kiddos. Well that wraps up the week - now off to the UK for the weekend. We leave in 5 hours so maybe I should go to bed, but Im not tired so probably not:) I love all of our traveling weekends and trips, but this week I loved every second of being home and enjoying the little things that are here in vilnius. Living more and more like locals every day - exploring the malls, riding the buses like pros and even having people ask us for directions. Grateful for this awesome week of teaching and just living life. Well folks, half way there... see ya in 2. Much love from Vilnaus <3


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