Cabin weekend for the win!

Wow this past weekend was one for the books. Not that we saw a lot of famous landmarks or even spent a lot of time in the city... we escaped to the mountains of Norway for the weekend and it was much needed. As you all know we have been traveling a ton and I love pretty much every second of our travels - give or take some night busses and hiccups along the way - but really traveling is awesome. Traveling is also exhausting! This weekend we decided to head to another country, but make it a more relaxed weekend. We started bright and early saturday morning, like always. We landed in Oslo, Norway and spent a couple hours walking around the city. We bought some souvenirs, ate some food and bought some groceries for the weekend. We hopped on a train that took us to Lunner. A beautiful little town - not even really a town - just some cabins and a train station with a beautiful lake and river. None of us brought our snow boots, but we made it work. There was about 3-4 feet of snow in most places and we had to trek through it to get into our cabin. We stayed in a super cozy cabin in the woods and we had the sickest toilet.You have to do your business into a filter then once you're done you "flush" by stepping on a pedal that drops your waste into a FIRE! We were all big fans of the toilet. Wasn't the best smell if someone went to the bathroom while you were outside, but it was definitely a fun, new experience for the weekend. 

Trolls are everywhere in Norway... kinda cool, kinda creepy

Our humble abode

Struggling to get through the snow, but having a blast.

One thing I was so excited for was smores. I love smores. So much. So of course when I heard there was a fire pit I knew we had to pack the essentials for roasting smores. Well with the super deep snow... the fire pit was buried, but that was not about to stop us from making a fire that night. One of the first things me and madi did once we got to the cabin was dig out the fire pit and a path to the pit. We were pretty proud of ourselves. The hard work paid off btw. Next thing on our to do list was explore around and head to the lake. I was full on planning a polar plunge into the lake, but it was frozen so that was a no go. We did practically take a polar plunge in the snow though. On our way down to the lake we would fall all the way to our bums with each step we took. Our pants got soaked and our toes were numb, but it was worth it. Every time we took a step we would say "light as a feather" and sometimes it worked - most times we would still fall to our mid thighs and then usually fall on our faces. Good times were had. 

I loved this weekend so much because we could do whatever we wanted to. If someone felt like taking a nap - they did it. If someone else wanted to go for a walk - they did it. We did a lot of hanging in the cabin writing in our journals, playing cards, listening to music and just relaxing. Felt so much like pine valley, especially because we had a fireplace burning in the living room which was heavenly. Cant wait to get back up to pine valley this summer, wow #pumped. It was also nice to be able to sleep in the same bed both nights. We didn't have to worry about traveling somewhere new which is a new concept to us, considering we usually hit 2 countries in a weekend. That afternoon I was the champion of spoons, we made dinner and got our fire started for the night. Spent the evening outside by the fire pit roasting many smores and having a good time. Nights like these will forever be the best. 

Nature's ice chest

How beautiful!??! 

So maybe this is gross, but I found this coat inside and figured I didn't want to get my own coat all smokey soo I sent it and wore some rando's coat and house shoes (my shoes were still wet from the adventure earlier that day). I think I look like a grandpa, but I dig it. 

Look at that fire pit! Madi and I dug that out! Pretty impressive, I know. Super fun day one in Norway. Day two, started off with some stress figuring out how we were going to get to the airport the next morning, but we figured it out, as always. Spent the day doing some more exploring, relaxing and doing other cabin activities. I loved, for once, having a chill sunday where I could take the time to actually do sunday activities like writing in my journal and doing some personal study. With traveling every weekend its been a struggle to find the time to do my personal study. I've been to church 3 times in the past three months which is crazy, but it has made me grateful for the new Come follow me program so that I can do my own personal study when I have the time. I love traveling, but Im excited to get back on a regular routine back home. 

Me and madi raced through the deep snow, pretty much just biffed it over and over again, but I won haha sucker. Norway is seriously so beautiful and I definitely will be back, but probably heading more north to see the Northern Lights!! 

We headed home early monday morning and made it back to Vilnius in time for school! It is such a cool concept to be able to seriously travel to new countries every weekend. Its crazy to be teaching on a monday afternoon and to think about how I was in Norway just that morning. Europe is rad, I love it. With time running out here in Europe, I can't express my gratitude enough for the people Ive come to know, for the experiences Ive been able to have and for the things Ive been able to learn in my time out here. Truly blessed. Much love from Norway<3


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