Back to real life...

This past week was a total dream. I still wonder if it was even real. Well Ive been back in Vilnius for about a week now and its been pretty nice. Such a fun experience to live out of a backpack and travel around for 10 days, but it is also the best feeling to have my own bed, a place to put and clean my dirty laundry and a place to cook our own food. This week has been a lot of sleeping in, getting used to teaching again and this past weekend was the coming of spring festival here in Vilnius. I wouldn't really call this spring, but I mean most the snow is melted so thats good. Its been nice to have a break to prepare us for another few weeks of travel. Its crazy to think I call Lithuania home. Grateful I get to live here and learn to be a local for these four months. such a cool and unique experience. Enjoy these random pictures from this week of my cute kids and loving life here in Vilnius...

Indre is the cutest, but she always comes to school with a poopy diaper. 
Love that for us :/

Some of the cute pre-language kids. These kids are the youngest kids and we pretty much just get to play with them.  Aida and Kristian <3

Max in my catch up class. he's a stinker most of the time, but he has his moments. He got a love letter from a girl in another class which was so dang cute. whatta lady slayer. 

Morsal gives thee tightest hugs. I feel like she gonna squeeze my innards out, no joke. 

We played pin the face on the head. They loved it. 

Roomie sleepovers - we watch good movies, but no one ever sleeps very well. Who actually sleeps at a sleepover anyways?

We stopped by the spring festival saturday and sunday and these were the best find. Seriously so good and they make them fresh right in front of you. 

We eat good out here if you were wondering. 

Last but not least, marathon training has begun. The snow has melted so Ive been out hitting the pavement. This morning was a warm 38 degrees and rainy. I ran a solid 45 minutes so this is progress considering I haven't really ran in two months. Oh how Ive missed this hobby of mine, feels good to be back. And you can imagine how fun it was to brush my hair out. Well there is a little glance into everyday life here in Vilnius. Much love from Lithuania <3


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