A day in the Outback!

Im joking!! I went to Austria... not Australia! I made a joke on my instagram saying that I made it to Australia and so many people freaked haha. We hit the city of Vienna this past saturday and I feel really bad saying this but... its just another European city. From what I saw though, it has stayed very true to the feel of old time Europe. Most cities have "Old towns" or the part of the city with the pretty cathedrals and stuff and then then also have the modern skyscrapers in another part of the city. I never saw anything super modern in vienna, which was pretty cool. Other than that it was in the norm for what I've been living in the past few months. We joke as roommates about how when we first moved here we were taking pictures of anything and everything...now when we see a castle or cathedral we say "oh cool" then keep walking. I guess thats what happens when you live here for four months, but I still feel bad for all the cities we are hitting now because we aren't taking it all in like we did at the beginning of the semester. OH well, so anyways Vienna was pretty chill. Nothing too crazy. We walked around, ate some schnitzel, saw some pretty buildings oh and met up with a friend we met at a hostel in Riga. 

Super hilarious geometrical trees

Belvedere Palace. We played what are the odds all around these gardens... I had to hop in the middle of one of the fountains. Luckily they were all dried up for the winter but now I can say Ive taken a dip in the lower prospect cascade fountain of the Belvedere gardens. haha. what a mouthful. 

So funny story - we played a game called Pause all day through the streets of Vienna. So pretty much if someone comes up to you and "pauses" you, you have to stay in that position until they "play" you. So I was paused at the Belvedere Palace for over 5 minutes while my group literally walked away. I was stranded! haha kind of funny. I got Madi back by pausing her on the metro and not playing her back to life until we had gotten off at our stop and she was still on the bus. Pay back!

Random colorful bunnies all over town - no clue why

Schnitzel is pretty much a giant chicken nugget so duh it was great

Came upon this weird gathering in the middle of town. Us and the rest of the confused tourists followed these people into the square where they played music and danced. I love random things like this in other countries.

Schoenbrunn Palace was pretty awesome. 

I found this huge bee, he was a fuzzy one. I actually did pet him. 

St. Paul or Stephens (I don't remember) Cathedral

Meet Chris! We met him at our hostel in Riga, Latvia over a month ago and he lives here in Vienna so  we hung out with him at the mall for a little bit. We were going to do some karaoke, but it was way too busy (St. pattys weekend apparently). Kind of fun having "friends" to meet up with all over the world. Next stop was our night bus...

These are the moments where I actually hate my life. Ok not really, but when the bus is freaking hot, packed with snoring, stinky people and your seat doesn't recline life is definitely not at its peak, or even close. Its especially fun when we have a full day of exploring a new city on only 1-2 hours of sleep, BUT Im ok! I can do hard things. Im grateful for the chance I have to visit so many places and sometimes its only possible with a few nights spent on busses and in the airport... Much love from Australia, oh my bad Austria lol. 
P.S. I got a rad sticker that says "There are no kangaroos in Austria" haha apparently Im not the only one that has made the Australia joke before. 


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