Ireland is where its at...

So pretty much Ireland tops all the charts. I was super excited for Ireland and I had pretty high expectations but it is absolutely, insanely, ridiculously beautiful! Reminded me a lot of Kentucky just because of how green it is, but KY doesn't come anywhere near the color of green this place is. So we headed out of Scotland early Monday morning and hopped on a quick flight to DUBLIN, IRELAND! Dublin was just a normal city, nothing too special but then we headed across the country to the west coast. It was a crap ton of traveling - flight to dublin, bus to the train station, 2 trains to Limerick, a bus to Ennis and a taxi to Doolin. Took pretty much all day and it was pretty expensive, but totally worth it. We stayed in the coziest hostel in Doolin which is just a small town filled with the sweetest people, pubs and its right on the coast only a couple miles from the Cliffs of Moher. We were able to see the cliffs that afternoon and the next morning. This was another moment when I was just overwhelmed with gratitude. These cliffs are so famous and beautiful and I was standing on them! what?! I have seen some of the most beautiful places in the past 2 months. Some people don't get to see any of these places in their lifetime and Im seeing so many in such a short period of time. Just feeling grateful... pretty sure I say that in every blog, but its true. Enjoy a ton of pictures of the same thing over and over again but at least its pretty. Also, if you can't tell it was a very windy couple days and also some rain. fun times. 

Some of the coolest panoramas ever. How beautiful is this?!

There were these signs everywhere telling tourists to stay off the walls and to not walk onto the grass... as you can tell we follow the rules super well. 

Moms butt would've been super puckered with how close we got, but don't worry it was "a good wind" day, which means the wind was blowing towards the cliff instead of blowing out to sea. 

Day one of the cliffs was AMAZING! We even got drenched the last little bit - not even mad. We headed back to the hostel to warm up, then we headed to McGanns Pub for some dinner and live Irish music. Such a fun night! We hung out at the pub for over 3 hours just enjoying life. We had a delicious dinner. I had a burger and some Irish beef stew that was 10/10. We also ordered dessert - duh. The musicians were so friendly and we instantly became friends. Oh we also met a girl named Charlie at our hostel who met up with us for dinner. Anyways, we pretty much became bffs with everyone in the pub that night. The musicians called us their american friends. I loved every minute of that night. There was this one point when I was starting to fall asleep because I was tired and I had a full belly of food and after the song, the singer says "well I made the american fall asleep" haha. We danced and sang all night and it was so much fun. I felt like a local or at least a very welcomed tourist, it was awesome. After a good long time we finally headed out and they played us a goodbye song and everyone said goodbye to us. Rad. We walked home and it started pouring so we played in the rain because why not? Such a fun night that was so unplanned, but so many memories were made. Nothing better than a spontaneous night with no plans. I recommend Doolan 100% coolest little city in Ireland. 

happy girls. I could've laid there all night listening to the beautiful music and accents of course. Maybe thats why I loved the UK so much! English and ACCENTS! I could've talked to people non stop. loved it. 

This is not pee I swear! I put my head under a rain gutter and it went straight down and soaked through all my clothes and pants (I was wearing 5 layers of clothes, yay). Hopefully these pictures show a little bit of why we loved Ireland so much! Day 2 we woke up to homemade bread and scones from our hostel people. Then back to the cliffs!!! Still a windy day, but no rain and the sun peaked through a little bit too! Seriously could've spent the whole day here. 

Would go back tomorrow. The green in Ireland was the greenest thing I have ever seen. Really just beautiful. Well, we had to make the trek back to Dublin then we flew to London where we had to spend the night... in the airport. Lucky us. I didnt sleep. At all, but I was very productive with my night in the airport - lots of journaling and facetiming.  I did however pass out on the flight home, so I taught wednesday with a solid 2 1/2 hours of sleep, but thats what happens when traveling... loved my time in the UK and Ireland. Would go back to any of the countries in a heartbeat. Much love from Ireland!

Oh so by the way... we got home wednesday afternoon. We had to teach wed, thurs, fri and now we are leaving again in a few hours sooo more to come!!! Life is super cool - and tiring lol. 


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