Living here in Europe for the past little bit has given me the opportunity to see a ton of different countries and cities. We've pretty much stuck to visiting the major cities and touristy places, which Ive definitely enjoyed but Switzerland was exactly what I needed! We did stay in Bern and we spent a few hours walking the city, but we spent most the day out the mountains... aka THE SWISS ALPS. We woke up early to catch a train to Lauterbrunnen and I would've been satisfied to just ride that train all day. It was thee most beautiful train ride ever. We popped out of the city and I had my first glance of the beautiful, snowy mountains getting closer and closer. With the sunrise and the lake with the mountains, it was a dream! I was facing backwards on the train, so whenever I turned around and saw this sight it would literally bring tears to my eyes. I couldn't help but cry because it was seriously one of the most beautiful things Ive ever seen. After about an hour on the train we arrived in Lauterbrunnen and it was amazing! We got off the train with a ton of skiers and it was so sick. All these families and kids in full on ski gear ready to spend the day on the slopes of the swiss alps. How awesome?! I actually felt so lame because I wasnt there to skii like everyone else...but one day right?!

I was seriously so excited to be here. We had no plans, I was just excited to be in the presence of these beautiful mountains. We've been traveling city to city and seeing super awesome cathedrals and sights, but I've been missing some natural beauty. This trip to the mountains was much needed! We walked around and got some breakfast, then found a tourist info place. Like I said we had no plans, but in that office we bought 20$ tickets to head up into the ALPS! I was even more excited than I was before! We headed up to the little town of Murren which sits not at the very top of the mountains, but in the mountains - if that makes sense. We caught a couple gondolas that took us up the mountains in less than 10 minutes. The tears started flowing again! I think this time, I just couldn't stop thinking about where I was. I was hanging out in the alps! The swiss alps have always been a fantasy place where no one has been, but Ive heard they're beautiful, but no, I was there! I just had a super overwhelming feeling of gratitude and happiness all day - so much it made me cry on multiple occasions. Such an amazing day, its hard to put it into words. I was constantly speechless and taken away by the beauty. Plus, it was a freaking GORGEOUS day! and it was so relaxing to not have to worry about pickpocketers and to be surrounded by such friendly people. Best little town ever - Murren!!

My breakfast - all these pictures only show me eating junk food, but really its actually all I eat out here sooo

In between our two gondolas - Half way there and so stoked

My reaction to stepping out of the gondola - not even fake I swear - thats how amazing this place is. 

Slipped on the ice and decided to just go with it right down into the splits. Im actually super impressed with myself... I literally wiped out so many times on the ice, but it was fun. Who else can say they biffed it in the Alps? In Murren we really just walked around and enjoyed the scenery and where we were in the moment. wow I loved this day so much. 

Fresh Alp water... almost as good as Pine Valley water. 

My eyes look insane - probably from the tears. 

Just casually eating a snowball in the Swiss alps... I will NEVER get over this day. I hope these pictures convey the happiness I felt this day because I sure cant put it into words. We made our way down the mountain to the gondola even though none of us wanted to:( Later that night in Bern we explored a little, ate some swiss chocolate and had the greatest swiss dish ever... ROSTI! Its pretty much hash browns, but I ordered mac'n cheese rosti, which is hash browns with pasta, cheese and bacon on top soo rip me. I might as well pass away after this perfect day because I think Ive hit my climax of life. Peaked at 19 - only downhill from here. 

That night we hopped on a train to Geneva where we would catch a flight to our next destination. On this train to Geneva, Madi and I sat across from this drunk man and it was quite an experience. I actually felt super bad for the guy... He came on the bus wobbling and drunkly plopped himself in this seat as he was burping, coughing and talking to himself. He looks over at me and madi and he makes his way over to us. He asks us for headphones and a phone charger - He spoke something else but we could tell because of his had motions. He seemed frustrated so he sat back down and started chugging another beer. I look over after a couple minutes and he was passed out with his beer can spilling all over the seat. Super awesome. The train guy walks past this drunk man and starts trying to wake him up, but this guy is not budging... Kinda scary actually. Anyways, once we got to Geneva the security had to drag him off the train lol. That was a fun train ride. Oh and by the way our flight didn't leave till 9 the next morning. We decided to rough it and sleep in the airport... WORST. DECISION. EVER! After trying to sleep for a few hours I gave up and just facetimed family and friends. I got maybe an hour of sleep all together... ya I would've dropped a hundred dollars for a bed in that moment. Dont ever do it... even if its cheaper... just spend 30$ on a hostel. 

Well what a day!! It really was such a cool experience to travel and live out of a backpack for 10 days. Traveling to a different country every day... super rad way of seeing a ton of stuff, but man it wears ya out, especially when you don't get any sleep haha. ya live and ya learn. Real talk... If anyone needs a buddy to go to Switzerland with... CALL ME! much love from switz<3




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