Next stop, LISBON! None of us had any expectations for this city. We didn't know what to expect and we didn't even know what we would be doing. I think thats why it was one of our favorite spots. After a long night in the airport and a flight over to portugal we were exhausted, but there's really no time to waste when you country hop. So we had some food and headed out on the city. We walked to a close look out spot and it was beautiful! Lisbon is such a colorful city, with bright buildings and pretty tiles everywhere. While being here and in Barcelona I didn't feel like I was in Europe... with the different architecture, accents/languages and the palm trees and beaches I felt like I was in mexico. It was super awesome to travel from the top of the Alps to the beach in less than a day. Super rad. 

So sunny I couldn't open my eyes - FEELS GOOD

As we were walking down from this lookout point, this guy in a golf cart comes up to us and asks if he can drive us around town and give us a tour. We said no thanks but he wouldn't leave us alone. He finally said, "I drive you where you want for free" so all of us decided why not? As we got in the golf cart, Izzy told us that her sister thats living in India told her that in india people offer free tours and they actually just kidnapp and sell you... that was comforting, but this guy was chill. His name was bruno and he was a homie. He seriously loved his city so much and showed us some way cool spots that we wouldn't have seen otherwise. so shoutout to bruno for a bumpy, sketchy, but fun ride. 

We ended up tipping him some euro because he was awesome. He's definitely good at his job...

The rest of the day we ate gelato... on multiple occasions, rode the "iconic" trolley 28 that took us all around town and my personal fav - the street dancers. As we were walking around town we came upon these good-looking young guys that could dance like no other. So of course I was intrigued. I might have spent almost two hours of my time in lisbon watching these boys. I loveddd them. 

The lady that made this was amazing... I was way impressed. 

Look how cute this old couple was! They were just chilling out their window watching all the people down below. So cute. I will be them one day. 

I didn't get a picture with the cute street performers, but I did get a picture with this creepy gold floating guy. My finger was gold after he held my pinky lol. Im going to try and post a video of the dancing boys, so pray Im techy enough to make it work... Ok so I'm not techy enough but just take my word - they were awesome. That night we walked down to the beach and went crab hunting!! We sat on the pier as a group and talked about life and how crazy ours is at the moment. We talked about how a month ago we were strangers and now we are making all these memories together as friends. Super cool first roommate/moving out experience. 

The next morning we spent chilling by the beach. The water was too cold, but you don't know how bad I wanted to strap on a wet suit and just dive in. I played with the crabs a little more that morning - my love for ocean life is somewhat crazy. Funny story - we were just about to head to the airport but one of our girls was down the coast a little bit so I volunteered to run down and get her... well I ran up on the sidewalk for most of the time, but as I started dropping down closer to the water there was some slippery seaweed and I BIFFED it! hardcore! I felt like it was slowmo... I tried catching myself but then my arm slid out from under me so I was covered in slick, bright green seaweed. Best part was my group saw me from down the coast so as I walked back they were laughing at me haha. I had so many wipeouts this week. I guess I just like making memories ok?! Anyways... our time in Lisbon was so relaxed and nice. I already want to go back to Portugal and explore more of this cool country. 

Never leave home without a milka bar in hand

This was after brushing off all the chunks of seaweed. I gave everyone on the pier a good laugh that morning. Oh so we got to the airport... it was our flights final boarding call as we were going through security. We had to book it to our gate! I guess we spent a little too much time at the beach, but oh well we made it - another miracle.  Much love from Lisboa <3

PS - shout out to my baby brother SETH! Happy birthday buddy! I miss you so so much and I hope today is a freaking good day! Have drew take you out bowling and get some ice cream for me. love you lots! 


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