Just some thoughts...

Not quite sure what I want to say on this blog... I just know that Ive had a lot on my mind recently. Not anything serious, but life is just kinda unreal at the moment. If you would've asked me in high school where I saw myself in the future I would've never said Europe. I wouldn't even have said going to school at Dixie State or pursuing a nursing degree or running on a scholarship! Life is full of so many cool surprises. I love how life just brings so many opportunities and adventures every single day. If Im being real, it makes me emotional to think about how many awesome opportunities Ive been given and for the things Ive been able to learn and accomplish at such a young age. Im a firm believer in living life to the fullest and gaining knowledge from those opportunities and experiences. Thank you Mom and Dad for giving me these opportunities, I will forever be grateful for them. Know that Im not just blowing all my money on fancy gelato and souvenirs, I am learning oh so much. Im learning how to live with other people, how to be patient with screaming kids, how to share my testimony through my actions (cant preach it...), how to live the gospel without being surrounded by it, how to communicate without words, how to do hard things and so much more. Best place to learn is out of the comfort zone right? Crazy to think that its been almost 6 weeks! Time has been cruising and I have mixed emotions about it. I already know the rest of the semester is going to be gone in a second so I'm doing my best to take it all in. Anyways, I have a ton more on my mind, but Ill save it for another time. Just know Im happy and super excited about life. But it doesn't take living in Europe to be excited about life... life is awesome, so enjoy it. 

When I come home an oompaloompa, blame it on the oreo bars. Oh and the fact that they only eat carbs here. Some american mac'n cheese was heaven in my tummy. 

Some of my cute students. Gabi is a sweetie in my beginning class. Emily, Nastia and Arina with their Valentines Day crafts in my Level 6 class. I love teaching this class! These kids are incredibly smart. They blow me away every time I teach. Also Happy Valentines Day! Vday has never been too eventful for me lol but today was so sweet! My head teacher wrote me thee sweetest letter and all my students brought me a ton of chocolate! What?! They are the best :')

Still reppin' DSU up and down my apartment stairs. Running stairs is no fun at all, especially in a nasty, muggy apartment building, but outside has been so icy recently so its all I got!

Institute! We love the Goughs! Our institute class consists of skyping 4 different lithuanian cities. Its actually super cool to see the dedication that people have to attend institute. We are studying the Pearl of Great Price and currently reading in Moses. Brother Gough mentioned Grace and so I went home and relistened to Brad Wilcox's talk, "His Grace is Sufficient" and dang it's good. Ive listened to it a few times, but I've never appreciated it as much as I did this time listening to it. A good reminder that Christ is with us every step of the way. As humans, we aren't perfect and we tend to slip up a lot, but we never fall so far that its impossible to get back up on the right path. This is one of those talks that could be and should be listened to often. Besides having an awesome lesson, we also get fed hot coco and muffins so it makes for a good morning.  

Well these are some random pictures of the week that I figured deserved a spot on the blog. Leaving on a pretty big trip this weekend so Ill be back in a little over a week, don't miss me too much. lol much love from Taikos g 136-1


  1. love you soooo much and living my life through your blog so keep it up. love from grandma burgess


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