City Slickers

Super fun week! So My friends decided to spice up practice a little bit each day and assign each day something different to wear. So for instance, monday is wearing our hair in buns, tuesday was colorful day, wednesday was blackout, thursday was inside out and friday we didnt have practice... but ya get the picture. It was kinda fun to show up looking different everyday. Tuesday was by far my fav practice. 

My foot is feeling a lot better. It still bothers me sometime, but at this point I am so ready to jump back into training so I don't really care if its not fully healed. whoops. It is super hard physically and mentally to come back from an injury with one month left, but Im trying to just do my best :/

Matchy matchy with shawn. This week at school I got A LOT done. Ive had a few pretty big things on my plate that Ive been somewhat putting off and this week I got a ton of them checked off the list. Feels good. I passed the first section of my CNA test so Im one step closer to being prepared for the nursing program agh!!! With school during the week, ya gotta find a rad thing to do on the weekends. Me and the girls definitely had a fun weekend. We headed up north to hit Asylum 49. We started this haunted house tradition last year when we went through Nightmare on 13th. Well we wanted to step it up a notch, so we did. Asylum 49 seemed crazier because you are allowed to be touched and you were going to be separated from your group. Both of these rules intimidated a lot of us, but we were all up for the challenge, except Isabelle who waited for us outside. Thats ok, maybe next year Isa. So from the beginning we were separated. None of us even entered the maze together. I was put with this other girl and thats it. She had been separated from her boyfriend so we hung out for a second before she was taken away as well. First room I went to, my hair was stroked by this creepy bald midget doctor then he shoved me into the next room where this alien throws me into this wheel chair. He tells me I look tasty then grabs my shoulder and head and pretends to eat my neck. At this point, you may think this sounds like the scariest thing in the world, but it really wasnt. It was so much fun. There were very few jump scares. The characters really only used the fact that they could touch you to try and scare you, but since I know they can't hurt me, it really wasnt that scary. It was definitely different though to have to be by yourself the whole time. So then I walked through a few rooms and this one guy shoves me onto this wooden bed where he bangs his staff right up next to my head.  I try to get up but he pushes me back down and then sprinkles this stuff all over me. When I finally get up I brush all the dirt, sand stuff off me and move on. That was probably the craziest thing that happened to me. Everyone had something different happen to them. My friends had chainsaws put to their necks, and bags put over their heads. I saw some girls trapped in cages and some boys man-handled by this doctor guy. Crazy different than any other haunted house Ive been to, but I liked it. 

I got through the maze about 5 minutes before all three of my friends came out together. I have no clue how they found each other, but oh well still so much fun. We met back up with ethan and isabelle who were chilling out front. We drove a couple hours to Erin's house ( I slept the whole way:)) then we headed to bed. The next morning we got up and ran a little bit, had some breakfast, then helped out the hurst family with some chores. Not really, but we got to transport some cattle, watch them give shots to the cows and we even got to take a little horse ride. Farm life is pretty wild. My favorite part was all the hurst fam would call us "city slickers" yep thats us. 

Thanks hurst fam for a dang good time in the country. City folk really just don't get it. Its a whole new world out there, but I love it. We got home safely and only got pulled over once. lol. When I got home my mom told me that dad and troy went out for an adventure and she looked concerned. Well apparently they headed to the grand canyon planning on hiking to the river and back, but those two brilliant minds decided to send it and do the full rim to rim to rim. Not gonna lie... Im jealous. They did make it back safely, but dad said it was the toughest thing ever. Im still jealous. When dad sent me these pictures I was even more jealous...



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