
April 25. I was sitting in Ms. Evans second grade class when the office called and said to put me on the phone.  They transferred the call to my mom and she told me the news... it was a boy. ANOTHER boy! Are you kidding me? I already had two brothers, that was enough.  I was soo sad and disappointed to know that I would never have a little sister... well, fast forward 11 years and I sure am glad Jack is a boy.  Today he turned the big 11. We didn't do anything too special, but we did open presents and go to buffalo wild wings so that's a win.  Jack is a one of a kind.  He loves to have fun, eat candy, get into trouble, play with his brothers and he quotes movies like a pro. I wish I could quote movies as good as he does, but it will never happen. Love ya jacky wacky.  Sure am glad you are apart of this awesome family.  

Classic Jack

They grow up too fast :')


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