Run, Run, Runnin

I was just telling my dad earlier that I don't even want to blog because my life is somewhat boring right now.  It's actually not that boring, but I feel like it's to the point in the semester where finals are coming up and everyday life is pretty routine.  The usual work, school, running, repeat.  Don't get me wrong, I love having a routine, but I sure am excited for summer to hopefully jazz things up a little bit.  Anyways this weekend was the University of Utah/ Weber track meets so we headed up on the swanky DSU charter bus to northern Utah.  It was cloudy, kinda rainy and somewhat chilly.  Not my cup of tea, but it turned out to be ok weather for running.  Friday around 5pm I raced the 800m.  Didn't get a great time, but Im fine with it.  Im not all about competitively running at the moment, so Im just trying to enjoy it the best that I can.  So ya, I didn't try that hard in the 800, but it was fun.  I figure if you're stuck in a not so great situation it's better to make the most out of it, rather than suffer so that's what Im trying to do. ☺☺☺ 

The party was definitely in the back of the bus.
Pretty sure everyone was annoyed with our loud singing and crazy dance parties. 
Oh well. 

All of us had a hood except billie, so I shared mine.

We were all tired and hungry by the end of the night so we tried hitchhiking.  We actually had a taker, but then coach got mad at us and told us to put our thumbs down. haha. 
The next day we raced at Weber State and it was pretty rainy the first part of the day so we hid in the bus.  I choreographed a dance routine to "California girls" and we made a nice music video.  We even got our bus driver fred to be snoop dawg.  Fun times.  The meet got so delayed that most teams left and even our coach was hoping it would lightening so we could leave.  Well rain finally cleared and the races were back on.  Since most the teams left, the meet was super low-key and way fun.  I raced the 1500m and the 4x400.  Super fun and I wasn't even mad about how I raced.  I hit the fastest split of the day in the 4x4 which proves that you can take the girl out of the sprints but you can't take the sprinter out of the girl.  haha just kidding.  I just think all of us were tired by the end and I somehow had a little left in me. Next stop was dinner.  We ate at rumbi grill and I challenge myself to eat my full rice bowl with chopsticks and I did.  I was super proud. When we got back on the bus I popped my headphones in and was knocked out till Fillmore. I was super tired, but we stopped in fillmore and I got some hot cheetos which gave me the energy to party hard with the gals the rest of the way home.  Good trip.

Breakfast of champs. I call it the party waffle. 

I made erin a more classy waffle. 

Pre race gym session.  #gainz

On the bus ride home, we were all talking about how we won't see each other for 4 months and how crazy it is that we only met less than a year ago, but how weird it's going to be not seeing each other everyday.  College running is worth it when ya got a good girl gang like this one. 


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