Easter Weekend

This week has been a pretty casual week, nothing too insane, but to start off me and my friends celebrated Big bills 19th birthday. We bought her a nice cake and sang her happy birthday.  Her family has a tradition of singing the birthday song in the worst way possible so we decided to carry on the tradition and it was not pretty.  Wish I could post the video, but Im sure you can imagine. That night we played sand volleyball for FHE then went to the baseball game. I kind of slacked on pictures this week, but I did get a picture of billie with her cake to send to her mom. Another funny story... at FHE they stopped in the middle of the volleyball game to sing to billie.  Billie didn't want to be sang to so she tried to make everyone think it was my birthday and not hers.  Well long story short, I went with it and we were both sang to. Everyone was wishing me and billie a happy birthday and we were just laughing.  So surprise my birthday is now on March 26! Anyways Happy Birthday Big B!!!

On our way to fhe we saw spiderman on the side of the road, so of course we pulled over to have the birthday girl get a picture with him.  We are still super confused why this man is dressed up like spiderman in the middle of town - this isn't the first time we've seen him -  but we figured we gotta take a pic with him.  Maybe it was a sketchy idea but he said happy birthday and gave her a nice hug. ahah thanks spiderman. 
The rest of the week was the usual work, school, homework, running. Wednesday night the family left for a baseball tournament in Vegas. I made dinner that night for my friends and they were super excited to come over until I told them what I was making. Ever since I first told them that my family eats spam, they have given me crap for it, so I decided to open their eyes to the beautiful taste of mac'n cheese and spam. When they first saw me take it out of the can their reactions were "That looks like cat food" "That stinks" but once I forced them to try a piece of cooked spam they were sold.  I have forced many people to try spam and everyone, literally everyone has loved it.  Changing lives one can of spam at a time. After eating we swam for a little bit because its finally warming up!  

Later that night we watched our recent favorite: Jumanji. 10/10 movie. 
Friday was the UVU track meet. I decided to run the 5k because me and the girls figured it was the first race so we could hurry and get it over with and then go eat.  So thats what we did. The race was not great, at all. I actually really hated my life those 12.5 laps, but once again it was a victory because I finished. We watched erin and Isabelle run the steeplechase after our race and boy was it entertaining. The second lap of the race we decided to whip our phones out and take a video of the girls jumping the water pit, well Isabelle wanted to take a swim instead. haha. Her foot slipped and she did a wicked belly flop into the water. So glad we pulled out our phones and so was isabelle. The first thing she said to us after the race was "Please say you got that on video!"  Pretty sure we watched that video at least 50 times and it got funnier each time. We roamed around the campus for awhile looking for the food court and we even got invited to a sick party.  

Slayer, Big bills, Wayne, AAron, Isaballer. 

Crazy to think I haven't even known these girls for a year yet. 
We have way too much fun at meets. And we mess around way more than we actually run. 
Saturday I didn't get any pictures either but my up north friends came home for the weekend so we rock climbed, roasted s'mores, played ping pong and a crazy game of uno. 
Easter sunday was filled with sleeping, general conference, family and an easter egg hunt. Mom hid 28 eggs in the backyard each containing a piece of paper with a number on it.  Each of the kids got 7 eggs and once we all found 7 we opened them up and got the treat that corresponded with the number.  I came away with some hot cheetos, a chickfila gift card, 11$ and some candy. Sethy came away with a huge find of 35$. whootwoot. 

Drew called them "seismic twins" haha aka siamese twins

So grateful to be able to spend this Easter Sunday listening to the prophets and leaders of the church. I know for a fact they are speaking the words that the lord wants us to hear right now.  Super grateful for the gospel and the knowledge it gives us.  It's incredible to think of what christ did for each of us and because of him we can live again.  I love this gospel so so much. I love my family so so much and even though life has its ups and downs, there is always something to be grateful for.  


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