I swear just yesterday it was snowing up here in SLC. This summer has just not been long enough. Am I ready for fall and all the haunted houses I'm about to be going to?? yes. But then I need another summer right after that... not the dreaded 6 months of snow that usually follows halloween. Anyways, this week has been fun - a quick three days of work M, T and W. I don't love working Mondays because I hate having to prep for work on Sundays - it just kills the vibe. But I do love being done with work for the week by Wednesday evening. I can't remember anything crazy from work so I guess that shows it was a pretty average few days. Thursday I decided to visit another temple here in UT. The goal is to visit all of them, obvi, so I figured with a full day off and really nothing to do it wouldn't be too bad to drive a little further for a new temple.
So bountiful it was. It was great. and honestly not far at all - just the fact that I passed five temples on my way there haha.

I have also ran quite a bit this last week! I have a love hate relationship with it right now. I still identify as a runner even though Im really not, except I want to be a runner again. BUT I suck at it, therefore, I hate it and never want to actually do it. Plus I really don't have any motivation to push myself in runs because Im not training for anything. SO this week ive tried really hard to be consistent so that maybe there is a chance I can get somewhat decent again at running and maybe enjoy it more. It's also tricky though because being consistent isn't as easy as it was in high school. 12 hour shifts make it difficult to do anything, plus the addition of school coming up next week and not to mention that my back does indeed flare up if Im TOO consistent. SO this last week when I say "consistent" I mean I ran three days in the last week. It's just enough to start getting in shape and yet not destroy my back and ability to function normally. So that's the goal and game plan - three days a week hopefully. But like I said school starts next week and that will definitely be an added obstacle. It's been a good week though, Ive enjoyed it a little more than before this week of running so we'll take it. I also think right now it's somewhat motivating to soak up the decent weather before snow. Anywho - I then treated myself to a delicious avocado and egg toast.

My days off also aligned with Jesse's on call days which for the majority she didn't get called in!! Calls for our specialty girls date of dinner, a treat and chilling haha. Slackwater pizza for din din. Im obsessed now with their buffalo and bleu cheese pizza. Seriously want one right now.
Picked up some treats and met Karee for a little sunset picnic at the park. We were terrorized by the acorns falling off the tree, but always fun to catch up amongst our busy lives. Friday evening Mom and Dad came to town. No pictures but they took Dremma and I to Texas for a family dinner which was delicious. then they bailed out to the hotel while I took Dremma to one of my favorite places...
Clints Reptile store in Springville!!
they might've been terrified at first, but I think they liked it.
so this is one of their venomous snakes - some type of cobra. I forget what kind. It was massive and amazing.
This is Ethel - my new favorite snake. We also held a gecko and the asian water monitor that had super sharp claws. Best 12 bucks you could spend - right here. We then picked up some pizookies from Guru's and brought them back to the hotel for a little bedtime treat. Which brings us to today - Saturday! Jackies xc race in Spanish Fork. Him and his team honestly looked pretty dang good. They ended up beating all other 4a schools (Orem). Orem had three in front of George, our first guy, but our boys were all pretty close in the 20th-40th places which is better than their fourth and fifth guys. Pretty rad. As long as they can pack up like this and continue to improve I think this season could be rad. Jack moved up to fourth on the team from his fifth place finish last week. Love having the family in town and y'all know I love watching jack race.
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