Back Home!

This is kind of just a catch up blog of everything over the last two weeks since being home from a great trip. So I was originally hoping to be in Europe for 2.5-3 weeks (10 days was the perfect amount) which means I asked for lots of time off work. Well I decided to just stick with it and just end my vacation with a week in Stg. and it was the greatest thing ever. I was able to do a lot. Lots of sleeping, swimming and laying by the pool, hanging with family and all the normal stg things, but I was also able to get some productive things done like figure out bills, start a new savings account, speak with some clinics concerning clinical rotations next year and other things. It was mostly just a relaxing week though recovering from jet lag. Enjoy some random pictures...

I got jack these shorts/underwear. I thought they were hilarious, but I guess he was just disgusted. 

Karee came down for a couple days. We got pedicures, swam and she requested mad pita - which I never say no to. 

Grandma is rockin it. She's getting along pretty much on her own these days. She technically is always supposed to have someone with her, which landree moved in so she does, but she's doing really well with her walking and moving around. She did however need to get some teeth and roots removed. Dr. Davis was kind enough to get the job done. Lots of hospitals and doctors appointments for granny, but she's taking it like a champ. 

Thursday evening mom and dad officiated an endowment session at the temple - so I went. It's fun watching them work in the temple. 

Some Pine Valley time of course. Harvested lots of potatoes, squash, zuchinni and onions. Beans and corn in a couple weeks. Dad found me a little baby snake. I must be paying my tithing because I found a second little baby snake as I was holding the first! so cute. 

I received this picture on Sunday morning from Karee. That's her brother who recently moved to Ohio for work. My response to her was "wow, Seth buzzed his head" haha when I asked Seth about it he says "Pretty tuff, huh" still a cutie

Then Jackie started his first day of Senior Year on Monday! They grow up too fast! He is on the exec council as head of Thunder Family. Pretty sure that means he's the hype guy at all the school events. I asked him if he was sad to go back to school on Monday and he said "nope, Im stoked" He also had a couple of pre season xc meets with Pineview and his first official race of the season this last Wednesday - cedar all comers. Desert Hills boys took first with a score of freaking 26. six boys in the top ten. Pretty dang impressive. It's a little bit of a new course and jack came in 5th with a time of 16:13 I believe. He's happy and Im excited for the season ahead. 

Lastly, back to work for me. They didn't even let me come back to work slowly to get back into the hang of things - it's been a busyyy week. First of all I was asked to work overtime so my eight hour shift was turned to a 12 hour shift. Each day this week I was also training someone. A resident the first day, no one the second day but I was charging, a student the third day and resident the fourth day. My body is definitely not used to working 48 hours in four days - I was exhausted at the end of every shift. But Im glad to be back. Ive had great patients this week and they make it really easy to love my job and want to keep coming back. Well back to reality and the joys of having a routine. Do I wish I was cliff jumping into the crystal blue water of Dubrovnik right now? duh. but grateful for breaks and vacations that re-motivate me to continue working hard. Grateful for the work I am able to do that allows me the income and time off to see the world and do all my bucket list things in life. 



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