A Day in Scotland!

 We left Rome really early Saturday morning and found ourselves in good ole Edinburgh by 8am. All day in Scotland and we packed quite a bit into our little trip. First stop was breakfast...

Sausage roll for dad and steak bake for me, oh and fudge donuts. I had no clue what a steak bake was, but dang it was good. 

We did lots and lots of walking this day, but honestly it was way better than Rome because instead of 100 degrees with humidity it was in the 60s!

We found our hostel and kept our bags there till we were able to check in later in the afternoon... now that we were baggage free - let the party begin. 

This was my first time walking the royal mile. The last time in Scotland all I remember is Arthurs seat and my family surprising me at the castle - that's about it. So this time around it was fun to actually soak in the city of Edinburgh

All the bagpiping, kilt wearing, drunk goodness. 

The view of the Castle on our way to Arthurs Seat! It was a super pretty day - especially for Scotland. 

We walked up the first part of the hill barefoot which was so nice. Then climbed the rocky part to the top. Windy per usual and this time around there were tons of people!

After the hike we found ourselves some well deserved lunch - Chinese! It's funny how a week in Europe eating nothing but pasta, pizza and gelato (all delicious food of course) can you get craving things like spicy Mexican or Chinese. 

Then walked around the park and saw some more street performers

We ended up taking a little nap at the hostel before heading back out on the royal mile with all the chaos right before the show. 

a little dinner of chippy and some "good" (according to our waitor haha) milkshakes. 

I think this is a cool photo

Headed to the castle

The tattoo was awesome. It was so fun to finally see something that Ive heard about forever. Dad's fourth time, my first, but I don't think it'll be my last. Definitely loved Scotland and hopefully the next time I visit I have more than just one day. After the tattoo we walked back with the crowds of people to our hostel and hit the hay fast and hard even with the hundreds of drunk, yelling people on the streets. The next morning we flew back to London and ended up with an extra long layover due to a delay which was kinda brutal. Traveling is fun, but once you're headed home - I just want to be home. We survived though. took off around 9pm that night and made it to Vegas around midnight I believe. As much as I love leaving the country, I do love coming home. Thanks dad for the epic adventure. For trusting me to show you some cool places and enjoying some new ones too. A crazy fun trip with a couple bumps in the road, but mostly just lots of good memories. definitely a bang to end the summer with! 


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