Based on this weekend Im actually so excited to spend the summer up north. Yes, I love lounging by the pool in 110 degrees everyday, but I think this change of scenery will be fun. Honestly, this whole week has been kind of a bust though. I got my toenail removed on Monday and Ive been MIA ever since. Tuesday was a painful morning of trying to get the bandage detached from my open wound. I used my newly earned nursing title to inject myself with some lidocaine to numb it up so I could finally (after two hours) remove the gauze. Headed up north that afternoon and seriously didnt leave my apartment till friday due to my toe. But its ok, Ive been hard at work studying and getting things checked off the to do list. The fun begins friday evening.... my friends are the best. We were all eating dinner with no plans for the night. Well ashley needed to blow off some steam (stupid boys) so we decided to go up into the mountains and smash tomatoes haha. So random, but it was so much fun.

I think we found our new go to place for summer nights - Deer Creek reservoir! We smashed some tomatoes, listened to music, skipped rocks, found this old swing and watched the sunset. Enjoy all these crazy pictures of us...
We also stopped in at Dairy Keen in Heber. Dang this place is the place to go. Its a little old school place where families come and their kids literally are just running wild hyped up on ice cream. We had a little boy come up to us with his toy sling shot that he got in his kids meal and says "Surrender or Die" haha it was hilarious.
and saturday was spent with my other gal friends! See Provo looks pretty fun in the summer right?! Ok still not as fun as stg but change is necessary, growing up is necessary and Im excited for whats to come this summer. It will definitely by unlike any other summer.
Oh and exciting!! I woke up to a package at my door this week... new scrubs!!! Getting very very excited to start work. My projected start date is May 22nd - as in a week from today what the heck! Well thats a wrap on this week. Lets hope I can get back to running this week and not drown in school work!
B-Amma here. Love your posts. Keep up the good partying. Love seeing you enjoying life.