Sorry for slacking and being a couple days late, but sometimes its a good thing to post a late blog because it means life is good and busy. Which we all love. Well folks this past week was one for the books. I was anxious to get my finals over with so I took both of them the very first days they opened up. Tuesday was my transitions final which was a piece of cake... I think I took the test in 10 minutes and got a 95%. Wednesday was my Med Surg final and not gonna lie it was pretty tough. I did the calculations before and figured out I had to get a 30% on the final to pass the class so I wasnt worried, but dang it was a hard test. I ended up getting an 82% and I was happy. I was happy to be done with finals and to know for certain I was going to be graduating. I walked off campus for the last time and not gonna lie... It got me really emotional. I cried most the way home - mostly tears of gratitude I think. Im grateful for this opportunity over the last two years to dive into a field Im so interested in and that will provide me with a solid, lifelong career. And I guess I was crying because its over. It went by so dang fast and really I loved every minute of school. It doesn't feel real that Im know graduated and entering the work force... weird. But Im so excited - its seriously all I think about. So this is me officially peacing out from SLCC...

And me crying on my drive home.
Graduation day is technically May 5th, but instead of walking at graduation I will be spending the week in STG!! As of right now my plans are to start working full time for the VA hospital sometime in may (no official start date yet), starting my Bachelors program online through DSU on May 16th, and last but not least preparing and studying for the NCLEX (licensure exam) and hoping to take and pass the exam by the end of May. BUSY month, but I'm pumped. But really why does time move so dang fast - its the worst!! Drew and I talk all the time how 2 years ago neither of us had started our mission/nursing school journeys and now we are almost done. Like what?! Speaking of Drew all of us are getting so excited for him to get home! As of right now his date to come home is June 24th! Happy birthday to me!! I think he is even starting to get excited to come home.

This blog is kind of out of order... but drew and elder stewart got to FaceTime the youth in our ward and do a little question and answer fireside. Me and the parents snuck in the back to listen. He's a stud missionary.
And taking it back to monday morning... I decided to full send an eight mile run (the longest I have ran in awhile) Felt super super good. Took my sock off and found these two fellas... I forgot how much of a pain blisters are.
Our other roommates were out of town so Monday night was Jesse and Laynee night. We grocery shopped, went and got ice cream and then I helped her with her Humanities project...
Paint night might become a regular thing around apartment 305. It was so much fun. We blasted music and just messed around. Around midnight we got hungry so then we went to sonic - face painted and all. I will forever love nights like these with my friends. Mid painting jesse mentioned how fun this was and how honestly she wouldn't change a thing. I agreed. Its so easy to constantly be wishing and wanting for other things in life, but it was a simple moment where we both realized to soak in the NOW.
Post finals celebration at Twisted sugar. Then I headed on the road to St. George!
So far Ive been to costco with mom, played with landree's babies, visited family, played cards with the family, hot tubbing, baseball games, track meets, Eating out, hiking, running, scootering, relaxing and all the good things. I gave myself a few days break from school, but now its time to study (probably more than I have my whole two years of school) for the nclex. Life is good... so good that I honestly cant believe its real.
And jack looking sexy as ever with his drew-like hair.
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