I love blogging, but I hate coming up with titles. Im not creative and when life is just chill I'm not given any ideas for fun titles so here we are. If you have any ideas - send them my way. This week I've really buckled down and studied my butt off. If you know me, I don't study. I really don't know how to properly study, but Id like to think that I've been studying real hard these last few days. Especially thursday and friday (I had school Monday through wednesday so Thursday and friday were really dedicated NCLEX study days) I woke up and from the time I woke up till about 5pm I was doing something to study. I do a lot of practice questions and have been listening to NCLEX review podcasts while laying out or running. Im pretty proud of myself (its the most Ive studied for anything up to this point) and I just hope it pays off and I can feel confident going into my test on thursday. This upcoming week is a little intimidating due to test week as well as midterms for my summer school. Not the best of timing, but hopefully I can pull it all off. My boss called me earlier this week checking in on me and wishing me luck on my test. He says they are excited to have me start soon, which was super nice of him to say. HR has told me its been a little difficult trying to bring me on since I don't have a license yet, so the plan is to wait till I have my license. At this point Im glad that it worked out that way. Besides school and studying heres some fun pictures from this week...

Wednesday evening we met up with some other friends and had a girls night. Saw a play and grabbed a treat after.
Thursday morning we went to the temple. Ive been going to the temple alone a lot recently and I love it. I feel like going alone Im able to do my own thing and have my own spiritual experiences. It was really cool to bring my friends along this time though so we could all start our day in the temple. Ive said it before and Ill keep saying it, but I really am grateful for friends that help me grow my testimony.
Friday afternoon was a warm one, but I had been in bed all morning studying and I needed a little outdoor break. So I drove to one of the only trails I know around here, listened to more study material and ran on a beautiful trail for a couple hours. I didnt think my mind would be focused on the material that I was listening to (my mind wanders when I run), but I was surprised how much I enjoyed listening to the review material and how helpful it was. highly recommend.
Friday evening we got all done up in our matching stranger things shirts and went out for dinner. Never thought I would be such a big fan of a show to buy matching shirts with my friends and actually go out in public, but stranger things is that good y'all.
lol jesse wore her shirt backwards because she likes the back of the shirt better ahah.
That night we watched the first two episodes and the next morning we enjoyed some eggo waffles and watched the next 7 hours of stranger things...

And this is us at 6pm on saturday. We stayed in our pjs all day binge watching this show and it was worth it. A VERY lazy saturday, but a good one. Ended the night with a run and did some weights because I needed to get out at least a little bit that day. Today in church our bishopric got released. Pretty sad sacrament meeting. Ive never loved YSA wards until this one and a big part of that was how awesome our bishopric was. The new guys will be cool too though. In second hour our new bishop lead a discussion based on Presidents nelson most recent devotional to the young adults. We all have titles such as student, nurse, sister, daughter, runner etc. but the only titles that matter are child of god, child of the covenant and disciple of Jesus christ. If we can focus on those parts of our identity we will desire to be better and come closer to our Savior. Im grateful for the knowledge that I am a child of an all knowing and loving God. With Him even the darkest of times can be made light and full of hope. Love you guys - thank you for all you do for me.
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