The calm before the storm

Sadly, this week I only have one picture to post with this blog, but it has been a good week. Lots of school and work and friends and family. I have one week left of school and I could not be more excited. I will be counting down the days to my last final. This next week will be a killer seeing that i have 5 tests to take, but at least Im starting to see the light. This week dad and I have been struggling to wear closed toed shoes, so at work we both wore sandals. His toenail got removed and its pretty gnarly lookin'. We also both have plenty of other toenails on their way to falling off. Once people see the condition we are in they ask "was it really worth it?" Yes, it was worth it and we are planning on doing it again! Nothing too crazy happened this week, but i went to the temple with friends, went shopping with shawnee, went out to eat with the family, drew had a good time at footlocker (and got in to his jerusalem trip!) and overall had a pretty chill week. Its always nice to have an easy-going week every once in a while. Life's good, be happy and stay fancy. #fancythursday


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