I did it!

This week has been a much needed breath of fresh air. Literally, life went from stressful, boring, studying-filled nights to relaxation and nothing on the to do list in a matter of 2 finals.  I had my Pathophysiology final this past monday. This is the class that I have struggled in all semester - it was also a big contributor to my mental breakdown a month ago. Tons of information and its just been a constant feeling of drowning in powerpoints and tests. Well, the past couple weeks I have studied my butt off for the last 2 exams in this class. Last week I got my grade back on my second to last test and I received an 86 plus 10 extra points which gave me a 96/100 on my test. I was so stoked. Now usually I would say an 86 kinda sucks, but I had not received higher than a 72 on any other test in the class so you can imagine how happy I was. Well I did the math to know that I had to get at least an 80% on my final to get a B- in the class. This final was comprehensive which gave me nightmares, but I studied all day and took the test monday night. A few days later I checked my grades and I ended up getting an 86 on my final which pushed me all the way to a B in the class. Happy was an understatement. This week I also passed my CNA skills test and pushed my chemistry grade up from a B to an A-. I reflected back on a month ago when I was struggling so much and beating myself up about my grades. After a few rough days I realized I just needed to try my best and everything would work out. and it did. To be honest it worked out better than I thought it would. Im able to keep my Academic scholarship and now Im officially a CNA. This week has been a straight up miracle. Grades and school have always come pretty easy to me, so Im guessing this was just another lesson I was supposed to learn. I studied hard - well harder than usual - and I definitely said a few prayers while sitting in the testing center parking lot. All paid off in the end and my favorite part is that I don't have to step another foot on campus till next August. Hallelujah. 
So that's what's happening with school... this week me and the family spent Monday night out to Tuacahn to see A Fairytale Christmas. We all loved it. Jacks favorite part was when all the actors did the hype. 

A few times this week Shawnee and I were able to hit the trails and get some mileage in. She hates running with me, but I love running with her. 

Dad and I headed to our favorite place to celebrate the stellar week I was having. We've kind of made it a tradition to end each semester with a night to Benjas. Thursday was our work party and it didn't disappoint. There was actually really good food, even mom liked it. There were fun games, new scrubs and christmas bonus checks, heck yea! Dad won the ugly sweater contest... not because his sweater was ugly, but it was just a savage move on doc. empey. Everyone loved it. 

Friday I spent the day with my grandmas and it was lovely as usual. Went to lunch with Bama and helped huggyama clean out her house. I even found some old treasures to take home with me.  I found this huge, old atlas that Ive been looking at for the past few days and its awesome. Saturday night me and the gals had another wild night, nothing out of the ordinary...

Super fun week and like I said... a breath of fresh air. Grateful for school, but Im so excited for something a little (a lot) different. This week was also my parents 21st wedding anniversary. Mom&Dad- Thank you for loving each other, and us kids for so long and for setting a good example of a happy marriage and family. Love you and happy 21!


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