Peace out Wisdom✌️

First full week of no school!!! And Ill admit, I was pretty bored. I spent a lot of time this week doing absolutely nothing. I worked a little bit and hung out with family and friends. Earlier this week shawnee and I visited one of the most famous christmas houses in St. george. The grinch was outside waving to all the cars passing by so of course we got a picture with him. 

Thursday I spent the day with the cole kids. We played hard all day and I let tay give me a nice little manicure. 

Told ya we played hard... this little guy passed out on the ground and was asleep the rest of the night. 
Wednesday mom and I visited the dentist... first time in a few years, whoops. My teeth were practically perfect, besides one little cavity and I was told my wisdom teeth needed to come out asap. Well crap. I was not expecting to have surgery over this christmas break, but it needed to be done. Dr. Davis miraculously had a spot open up for friday morning so I took it. I wasn't nervous for the procedure, but I was nervous to be put out. I just didn't know what to expect, well everything went well and when I woke up after the surgery my head was kind of spinning and I was super sleepy. I wasnt given any laughing gas, but I was given versed which made me a crybaby!! I was so emotional about anything and everything. I would be mid-sentence talking about ice cream or how annoying the  gauze was and I would just start bawling. I had no clue why, but I couldn't help but cry. haha it was crazy weird. So the past few days have been pretty lazy days for me. Lots of smoothies, ice cream, mashed potatoes, christmas movies and napping. Im really not even mad... it has been a lot better than I was expecting it to be. I am getting sick of eating soft foods and I really just want to eat some normal food, but other than that its been ok. Oh and my chubby cheeks are just the best. 

The cole fam brought me some jamba friday night, shawnee brought me some yogurt land, and mom bought me some chicken noodle soup. Much love to all you guys. 

Saturday me and the boys drove to jamba for breakfast and I may have bought two smoothies. haha. I figured it would save me another trip if I just bought two. 

Visited grandma, grandpa and the doggies saturday afternoon. The dogs didn't mind my chubby cheeks. 

Saturday night mom gave us our christmas PJs and little christmas suckers. 
You don't understand how much of a struggle is was to take these pictures...brothers are sometimes the worst. 

Sunday we had an awesome church program. Mom, Dad, Drew and Jack all sang awesome. There were some awesome musical numbers. I also gave shawnee her christmas present... "what do you meme?" If you didn't know, we have a pinterest board dedicated to memes and over the past couple years we have collected over 3.6K of the greatest memes ever. 

Well Merry Christmas! I love this time of year so so much. I love how easy it is to do good for others and to show love for those you are surrounded by. I love how this time of year everyone makes it a goal to become more christlike and to learn more of him. One of my favorite things about christmas is the time to spend with family.  I love my family so much and I'm so glad we are able to live so close to them. Also how awesome is it that it's 60 degrees outside?! I can't get over it. I love, love, love christmas time and my family and living in St. george and I hope everyone has a very merry christmas!! 

Just some random pictures of the week :)


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