
Just like always we start off the week with family home evening which means dundundundaaa... Hat of Mixed Fortunes! I have a feeling there really isn't any "good fortunes" in there. Well last week me and dad got picked on to get a 20 second tickle for dad and I had to run around the circle in a batman costume and yell out lego batman quotes. We forgot to do it last week so me and dad had to do it this week plus dad got picked on again. Dad got picked to be given 3 sting pongs and seth was the other lucky one to have to run around the circle. We only have one batman costume so I just threw a different mask on and seth and I were off. Not too bad of a fortune, but poor dad kind of got beat up monday night between a 30 second tickle (nice one seth) and the wicked welts from the boys. 

Monday nights are always fun. Tuesday was my first final of the semester! Chem lab is finally over! The final was pretty hard... I might have left a few questions blank, but hey it's over with hallelujah. One down two to go. Thursday was my last fancy thursday for a couple months so we ended on a bang. We did not even plan the whole matching thing, but that's just our telepathy I guess. 

Thursday is easily our favorite day of the week. Glad I have someone who will take ridiculous pictures with me in the Holland. Just remember, fancy is a state of mind ;)
This week I also started running again!! I have somewhat been dying to get out and run, but my poor toenails have been wanting to do anything but get in closed toed shoes. They finally allowed me to thursday night and I was so happy. Much needed run and it felt oh so good. I sure do love running. Saturday was our annual Wells family gingerbread house contest. It has become one of the favorite traditions of the year and the competition is getting heated. Everyone is in it to win it. I used to be the obvious winner back in the day, but things have most definitely changed. We started off the morning helping (not really) kyle with building chairs and tables for the new dsu classrooms. We really just threw out trash and played infection throughout the abandoned school. It was super fun to run around dad's old elementary school. 

Playing freeze/infection tag. 

After working up a sweat, we turned on the christmas music and started on a long afternoon of gingerbread decorating. We literally take hours to decorate our houses. Im tellin' ya, its a big deal in the wells family. I feel like I've been doing this too many years and Im all out of ideas so I kind of just winged it. 

I was pretty proud of my log cabin look. 

Drew is the lucky one winning best overall and most creative. Jack-jack won best roof in the kids division, Seth won best island house and I won best roof for the adult division. 

hahaha I love this picture. We realized george was taking selfies and this is the face emily made. You better watch out george, or else em might just have to slap ya. 

Love this family of mine and Im so glad we get to live close to each other. I think back to the days when we lived across the country. Back then I didn't even realize how much we were missing out from family traditions like these. Especially around this time of the year, family time is the best. Blessed with the best. After quite the afternoon of craziness we had a family dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Life's good when everyone gets steak for dinner. 

Speaking of family time, I love spending time with these peeps. Im glad my parents have allowed me to live at home so I can still participate in family outings like this one. I feel like through high school "family time" is the worst! Who would want to spend time with family when ya got cool friends instead?! Well, I'll be the first to say that I definitely went through that stage, but more than ever Im so grateful for the time I have to spend with my family. They're the best and I love them. Im gonna miss listening to jacks many impersonations, having random dance parties at the house, talking with my parents late at night, getting to hear about drew's high school adventures and I might even miss my brothers begging me to make them mac'n cheese. Love you guys. 

Sunday night me and the girls had a sunday dinner, gingerbread decorating contest and we opened some presents to spend one of our last nights together for awhile. Sara, Erin and I made a hawaiian gingerbread house, with a palm tree, the ocean and a surf board. It was quite the master piece. I love that we all met last year and we are all such good friends. Love these girls and the times we've had. Don't have too much fun without me next semester ahg!! So in summary... Everyone in my life is the bomb (thx y'all love ya) and I love them and Im a happy girl. 
P. S. This blog is called phillip because the other night I said "hmmm Im trying to think what to name my blog this week..." and from the kitchen while eating a bowl of cereal dad says "Phillip" so phillip it is. Thanks dad. 


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