The best and worst days of the year!

Someone please tell me how christmas is already over?! Christmas Eve, Christmas and Boxing day have been well spent with family, good food, and even some snow! To start things out Christmas Eve morning we headed up to Dixie Rock for our traditional family hike/hangout. This tradition started with my dad and his siblings as a way to waste sometime on those dreadfully-long christmas eve afternoons. The tradition is still holding strong and we love it. We start off with the sugarloaf, scout cave then of course the crack. Every year its a goal to make it through the crack and every year it gets harder and harder haha. We were by the scout cave and the little cousins found a little fort that they said "the 10 dwarves" live in. So cousin Harry was asked to name the "10 dwarves." He successfully names 6 and says "I think there is one named Buck". I died!! So dang funny the things kids say. 

My cheeks were still letting the world know that I had my wisdom teeth out. 

The whole gang. Love family traditions...That night we had our traditional mexican food at Lauri's for dinner and we opened grandmas presents to the grandkids. We even had the MWells family stop in and surprise us. Always good to see them. 

Oh also my fourth Jamba in three days, you could say Im sick of soft foods. 
Christmas morning I was awoken at 6:58 by my lovely brothers. I love/hate how they are still so excited about christmas haha. You would think they would start sleeping in at least a little bit, but no, they still can't sleep come christmas eve night. I do love seeing how excited they are though when opening presents. "Best Christmas Ever!" pretty sure they say that every year.  The highlights of the morning: Drew getting his bowling shoes and brand new waffle maker, Seth opening up his minky blanket, Jack opening his box first and ruining the surprise for the rest of us even though mom told him not to. Good morning as always. Thanks Santa and Parents. We had christmas breakfast at our house this year and it was delicious as ever. Mom made some bomb biscuits and gravy and they were a hit. We spent the day playing with new toys and hanging around. Christmas night we had our traditional Chinese takeout for dinner and then we had a family murder mystery game. I was Roxy Rich the town's snobby rich b*tch and everyone hated me, so of course I was the one that was murdered. Lucky me... it was actually really fun. After a few rounds, we finally found that Sam Sugarplum (Jeremy) was the murderer. 

Jack got his mini magnets for christmas (what kid asks for magnets for christmas?). Don't really know what they are good for... Ive seen him use them as piercings and that's about it, oh well. 

Strangled by a christmas garland, how nice. 

me and the murderer

me and my assistant, parker mistletoe 

Erika - the town gossip
Drew - a narcissistic toy maker 
Jack - a homicidal detective 
mom - school principal 

me and the town banker

Tay didn't have a character so she named herself Christmas Sprinkles. Love it. 

A christmas to remember. After the main party everyone slowly left the house, but to end the night we  gathered around the piano and listened to mom and Jeremy crank out some old childhood duets. It was awesome. Jack even incorporated some of his rad dance moves aka orange justice and hype. atta kid. 

Baby clawson loves his cuddles

Seth made sure to chug the leftover soda... and that was a wrap for Christmas!
Boxing Day? hmmm how about Boxing hour! I woke up Dec. 26 to no Christmas decorations in sight. My parents had all our indoor and outdoor decorations gone by 10 am. When christmas is over...  it's OVER at the wells home. We don't mess around. We did spend the day up in Pine Valley playing in the snow and hanging out with grandma and Randy. It was soo beautiful in the valley. Randy drove us around on the Cat, we made a giant snow cone and we jumped in the hottub for a little bit. 

I swear thats hawaiian punch. 

We love visiting grandmas getaway and us st. george people need to see some snow every once in a while. Well, another successful holiday season come and gone. Grateful for all the traditions and the people I get to do them with. Hope everyone had a happy holiday!!


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