RIP liam and my feet

This little fella has been with me since december... his other parents (isabelle and billie) weren't such good parents so I took him off their hands and he's been mine ever since. His health hasn't been too great for the past little bit and monday morning he decided it was time. He was a good little fish, but he's in a better place. Love ya long time Liam. We had a funeral wednesday night and buried him at our favorite park. 

After the services, we cheered ourselves up by buying a new fish... meet Marshal. Not gonna lie, I was kinda sad not having a fish on my bedside table after liam died, but now Im excited to have this little guy. 

Friday morning was my first day of clinicals for CNA. I was super not looking forward to it because it was 8 hours of wiping butts for free starting at 5:30 in the morning. So yes it might seem terrible, but I actually enjoyed it way more than I was planning to. I loved being able to help the old people and get to know them pretty well by the end of the shift. I got to help with vital signs, changing briefs, getting people dressed, serving food, showering and changing beds. The time flew by because we were constantly running around and doing something. I was exhausted by 2pm, but I'm way excited to go back. I will say... Im not excited for the smell of pee, its by far my least favorite thing. 

Dont I look way official with my badge... Friday after clinicals I had class then me and the family headed up to pine valley for the DPS work party! We pretty much went for some food, chatted for maybe 30 minutes, then we went and visited grandma and grandpa and of course the dogs. 

Saturday morning was my second morning in a row that I was up before 4:30am. blahg!!! I had to have time to make my chocolate chip pancakes before being to the school by 5:15. Me and my team headed to vegas for the UNLV meet. So I thought my feet were all good, but no. About a mile into the race there was a cement uphill and out of nowhere my foot just got shocked with this pain and it hurt like crap. Every few steps it would just have a shooting pain while running on the concrete and it made me want to drop out. I toughed it out and it was fine on the grass, but every time I hit the concrete it would just kill. I did finish the race... just in a crappy time of 21:30 something and like 7th on the team. Oh well. I wasn't expecting to win or anything, but I did think my feet were doing better. That kind of bummed me out, but it'll be fine. 

Classic jumping and awkward fam photos. 

Next stop was IHOP! wootwoot. 

So me and erin wanted our own shakes, but I guess when we ordered it sounded like we wanted to share one shake, so lucky me and erin got to have this super romantic moment. 

Me in the bathroom on the bus 👍
Saturday afternoon I studied and took a chem test and that night we had a wicked game of sand volleyball. We went to the courts with a few people and while we were playing we would just pick up random strangers that walked by and soon enough we were playing a crazy fun game with like 15 people. It was such a fun night and we met some way cool people. We met Mark, Brayden, Carly, Taylor, Brayden, Phil, Nate, Kailee and Cobie. Also Im proud to say we all started off pretty sucky but by the end of the night we were crushing it. 


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