Big week for the Wells Fam!!

This week has been filled with a lot of exciting stuff. To start out the week, we headed over to the Kyle wells home and got to see George open his mission call! He will be leaving in January to the Manchester New Hampshire mission! So insane to think he is old enough to be serving a mission. I still feel like we are all babies!

Tuesday morning I had an appointment with my chiropractor. My feet have been giving me issues... I haven't ran in over 2 weeks and so Troy has been trying to help me fix it. At this appointment he told me I should probably have my dad give me a shot. That's the last thing I wanted to hear because Ive heard how painful foot injections are. Well I texted my dad and he told me to come over to the office. Me and mom drove over and I was somewhat freaking out. I laid on the table and my mom practically had to hold me down haha.  The first shot went in and ya it hurt like crap, but it was tolerable. I got 2 shots in each foot and the very last shot probably hurt the worst, but I did it. So if anyone has to get feet injections... yes it will hurt quite a bit, but its helped a ton so its worth it!

The moment where I was seriously considering punching dad. 

The next few hours my feet were super numb so I walked around campus like a weirdo, but my feet didn't hurt! That night me and shawnee went and got some free burger king using her starving student card. If thats not the definition of college life I don't know what is. 

Here's a random picture of me after 6 hours of CNA and awaiting another hour of Pathophysiology. yay!!! Wednesday was also Drewbys 17th birthday! We celebrated on monday with a family dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Wednesday night we just opened presents and had some cake. 

This is his "manly" pose. 

Thursday me and Chawnbomb felt like taking it back to our high school days and having lunch at good ole tiki. Good food, but they've cut the portion sizes a bunch and they don't give dove chocolates anymore :'( Me and shawnee looked back at our week and realized we went out to eat a bunch, because friday we used her starving student card again and got a free 10 piece nugget at mcdonalds, a free smoothie from tropical smoothie, a free cookie from the sugar cookie and a free ice cream from sweet tooth fairy. So even though we went out a bunch, we only paid 5 dollars for our tiki food. We thought we were pretty awesome...

Friday night we decided to hit up the rodeo just like everyone else in St. George. I haven't been in years, but it was pretty rad. 

Saturday morning I got to hang out with my favorite little kids. We jumped on the tramp, played hide'n go seek, watched mickey mouse, colored and played with legos. Fun morning with these crazy kids. 

This is my massive bruise that has been forming over the past couple of days... I took my new feet out for a spin for the first time in over two weeks and they felt good!!! hallelujah!  I felt super out of shape even running only three miles, but it felt good to finally run again. I have about 20 days before the marathon so wish me luck :/  Today in church we talked a lot about our attitude and how having a good attitude can make a trial or challenge in our lives a happy, learning experience. I feel like if there is one thing I know its that there is always a reason to be happy and this week was a happy week!!


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