Our Brazilian boy is HOME!

This week has been a busy, fun week. Earlier this week me and my bestie friend hung out, went to lunch, tried to go to the temple (super busy:/) and then we stopped in at Dad's new office open house. I wasn't expecting anything too special, but it was quite the party if ya ask me.  Free food, free products from the different offices and good company.  We loaded up on cookies and cupcakes and filled our pockets with chapsticks, shampoo and face wash. 

Matching sunglasses are a must.

You better believe we ate these in one bite. 

After the open house party we swam the afternoon away...

The rest of the afternoon I studied... Im almost done. Three more days!!!!
Friday we celebrated my beautiful mother's birthday.  Her and dad went out for dinner.  We had some ice cream cake and then topped it off by cleaning the church. Whatta birthday!

Lucky us, we were in charge of the bathrooms. 

Saturday morning I woke up and went on a long run with shawnee biking next to me. Dad is hurting a little bit so thank goodness for shawnee because I wouldn't have ran without a buddy. I really do love running but it is the hardest thing for me to get up and go by myself. The little boys and dad piled in the creeper van with the Mcarthur boys and they are currently making their way to Omaha Nebraska. Seth has a tournament and they also get to go cheer on the Beavers at the College World Series. Fun boys trip for the week. So now Im really screwed when it comes to running this week. Wish me luck. Me, mom and dad woke up to a text from drew telling us that his flight home was cancelled. After a few hours of confusion, waiting and figuring things out, drew and a few of his group members were scheduled to fly to Chicago and then home to vegas. So me and mom went to vegas a little later than planned and spent the afternoon shopping and wasting time till 8:30ish.  We really weren't in the mood to shop so we hit up Gap and Nike and pretty much called it good.  We relaxed on a bench in the shade for awhile and played our phones, people watched and took buzzfeed quizzes. We headed to the airport around 8 and met up with Drew!! He stunk really really bad and we were all really tired, but it was so good to see him again. He told us his many crazy, cool, scary experiences to keep us from falling asleep on the way home.  He had an awesome time, but told us it was super hard work.  Glad he was able to go and grow his testimony and see how the people in brazil live.  Humbling experience Im sure. 

Me and mom waiting at the airport... we were dead tired. 

After a long couple days of traveling (and still 2 more hours to go) he finally made it. 

Drew gave me permission to put this picture up - about a week ago the hefy trip leaders sent home this letter and I think it does a great job at summing up drew's trip.  I think me and mom read this letter a billion times. It is hilarious but he also sounds so much like a missionary.  Awesome experience and Im excited to have my own!


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