42 Never looked so good

Woot woot! Hey shawty, it's yo birthday, we somewhat partied like its ya birthday. So today, June 15th, is the day my wonderful mother was born 28ish years ago. And I couldn't be more grateful. She brings happiness into our home with the many scares, and tickle sessions. I have never met anyone who enjoys scaring people as much as my mother. She's definitely passed that gene down to all us kids. She is a constant support to our family and all the things we do. Whether it be a snowy baseball game, a blazing hot soccer game, a boring track meet or even a long, painful marathon, she is there on the side lines cheering us on. Not to mention she wrangled us crazy kids and supported her husband all the way through medical school. Supermom right there if ya ask me. Thanks mom for all you do for our family, we really couldn't function with out you. You have taught me so many things throughout the years and I really hope I can be as awesome of a mom as you are one day. You are definitely the coolest mom on the block and we love you mucho. Hope today was an ok birthday and we'll party in vegas tomorrow. <3

bestie since day one

Forever and always - dads main ho(e)


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