Best feeling ever.

To start off this wild, exciting week I went on a date. A super fun date. Probably the best date Ive ever been on. And my lovely date for the night was the wonderful Shawnee Schimbeck.  So long story short both her siblings have bf/gf's and so Aaron and brandy decided to have a Schimbeck family date night and shawnee had to "find a date."  I was the lucky plus one. We headed to the chipping course by sand hollow.  It was soo much fun and would totally recommend it to anyone. It took a lot of us a while to warm up, but by the end of the night I would say the girls were beating the boys. 

Tuesday I started my last week of summer school.  I studied all day (with an occasional swim break) for pretty much three days straight.  The final covered more material than any other test, it was worth double the points and apparently it had the hardest section, according to my teacher. So I was doing all I could to get a good grade. Thursday morning was my last day and not gonna lie, after I finished the final I did not feel good about it.  I knew a lot of the answers but there were also a lot of iffy ones too.  So at that point I was just glad to have the class over with.  I was happy, but also had a little nervousness and worry in the back of my mind for what my final grade was going to be. 

Finally walking out of school and being able to enjoy SUMMER!! Not sure if Ill be ready to go back in the fall though...

Me when I found out I got an A on my final!! So relieved and deep down Im still waiting for prof. Sadler to say she messed up on my grade because I have NO clue how I got an A. I couldn't stop talking about how excited I was to be done with phys. and to get a good grade! Ahhh SO glad to have Physiology over with, but dang summer school is not on my list of things to do ever again. 
Hard, but worth it. 

Me and dad celebrated with the best food in town. And yes, we ate all this food.
Friday night I headed to the newly installed little valley volleyball courts and they are awesome. We played volleyball till the lights turned off and it was awesome. Some old friends were there and I met a lot of new ones too. Fun night and super cool people. Didn't get to bed till around 2am (haven't done that in a long time) and I willingly woke up at 6am to go on an 8 miler with dad. It was a super nice run. Awesome sunrise, nice weather, good talks and getting struck. haha. Later that morning we headed up to pine valley. Grandma took me out to lunch at the Brandin Iron where I got some delicious food made by Uncle Kyle! Didn't get any pics of lunch but Grandma did show me her new ride. 

And she let me take it for a spin. 

Bad A biker chick. 

Pine Valley is one of my favorite places in the world. No better place to relax, hang with family and eat good food. So thats exactly what we did. 

Chillin in the hammock.  Seconds after this picture, drew's bum was drenched in water from grandpa's irrigation haha. 

HAHA self portrait. I added this beauty to grandma's rock garden.
Just call me picasso

Grandma also caught this cute little squirrel so me and drew drove through town to the burger peak trailhead and set him free. Another reason I love pine valley... never know what animal you'll see, catch or get attacked by. 

Ended the night playing more sand volleyball with the same(ish) group of kids. 
Lights turned off at 10:30 so then we headed to yogurt land. I tried the new blue raspberry jolly rancher flavor and Im obsessed. Didn't think Id like it but man o man it was soo good. 

Then hung out on airport hill. Fun night and I turned 19 while we were up there so wootwoot happy birthday to me. Best week of summer BY FAR! 

btw we didn't paint that, we just agreed and took a picture with it. 


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