Moving Day

Like I said in the last blog... we shipped drew off to a little amazon village in brazil earlier this week. Definitely weird not having him around but there are perks, like everyone getting three rolls at dinner instead of the usual two. He looks like he is enjoying himself and being pushed out of his comfort zone. Super excited to hear all about his trip when he comes home. This week was also the last week of working at our office across from the hospital.  We have moved over to a brand new building on riverside drive and everyone is excited about it. The doctors, employees and the patients. Friday was our last day and soo many of the patients could not stop talking about moving day and how awesome the new office is going to be. 

Dad took me and the boys out to dinner the night mom took drew to vegas.  Then we stopped in at the new building to see the progress.  Reminds me of when we would visit our house when it was being built. Later that night me and shawnee got our usual snow cone, this week's flavors were pink lemonade, pink bubblegum and pineapple. Pretty dang good. 

Then we headed up to airport hill to paint. We ran into some old friends and caught up with them for a little bit before we hiked up to a cliff and jammed to some music and painted. 

the sunset was beautiful just like it always is.

Also shout out to my mom for this beautiful shirt. So the other night I was with my parents in their closet while they were packing and I was looking at my mom's shirts when I ran into this old thing.  I went on to ask her why she hadn't thrown this old thing out years ago. Without any hesitation my dad piped in and said that he will never let my mom throw the shirt away.  So I learned that this is the shirt my mom was wearing when my dad first saw her after his mission. So sweet. So I tried it on and jokingly said "anyone wanna go play some golf?" haha. but now I kinda dig the shirt so I wore it out and about and Im glad it wasn't thrown out years ago.  I like seeing what my parents dressed like when they were my age or hearing about what they did for fun. Good times. 

More swimming this week... and in the months to come. 

This week at work I also moved up in the world a little bit. Not really but I'm trying to I guess. So my dad mentioned to one of the nurses that he wants me to be trained on IV's.  I agree, I should and I want to learn how to do them, but I wasn't ready to try one right at that moment. I needed some time to physically, mentally and emotionally prepare myself, but i got about 30 seconds before I was handed a dang needle. Whit volunteered himself to be my pin cushion and Charo grabbed the IV cart.   I told them I wasn't ready and I didn't want to do it, but they pushed me into it. Literally. So the part I was most nervous for was just pushing the needle through the skin, but it wasn't that bad.  I didn't successfully get the IV placed and much, much more practice is needed but I'm proud of myself for trying and now i won't be so nervous to try it again.  

I hadn't really ever watched an IV up close before so after I tried, I was able to watch the pros place a few and now I know what I was doing wrong. Ill get it soon and even though I was terrified at first, Im glad they made me do it. Im convinced I could drop out of school and the nurses at work could teach me everything I need to know. Speaking of school... I have 9 school days left for this summer term HOLLA! If anyone has any extra motivation that they aren't using, I could use some right about now. Friday night me and shawnee got some ice cream and then went to the George Fest. always a good time. 

This store that we walked into had a bunch of salt lamps and I wanted to buy all of them. Saturday Me and shawn went on a trail run, and then me and the fam headed to the office to help move some boxes and build a TON of chairs. 

The wells fam is definitely not the best at building things so I'm just hoping these chairs don't collapse and send an old person to the ground.  Sit at your own risk I guess. 𝨿☺


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