friends > puppies

This week I was able to watch erika's kids while she had work. We ate lunch, swam, and watched some cartoons. Seth came over with me for a little bit to play with the kiddos before we went swimming. We sure do love the cole family!!

Gotta teach'em young right?!

While I was babysitting, I put in some last minute studying before my physiology test. I headed over to the testing center around 7pm.  I was so nervous for this test because I didn't do too hot on the last one, so I needed a good score.  If I'm being honest, I probably studied for this test more than I have in my whole life, and I probably could have studied more but I was too tired. Anyways, my teacher ended up curving this test which was soo nice, so my real goal was to just get a decent score compared to the other kids in my class.  Well, the test went fine. Still felt like I missed quite a few though.  The next day she posted the test was out of 170 instead of 200.  Soon after she posted the grades.... and I got a 165. I was so dang happy. I guess studying does work. Maybe I will end up passing this dang class after all.  
Thursday mom left us for girls camp so dad was in charge of dinner once again.  This time we all agreed on Texas Roadhouse. I had a nice 6oz. steak with a loaded baked potato and some rolls of course.  I had also agreed to run bleachers with shawnee that same night so less than 30 minutes after eating I found myself running up and down stairs.  It actually wasn't bad at all, but I was sore the next day. 

Friday was my first day of work at the new office and it was awesome. That night I hung out with chawnbomb.  She has been taking care of some puppies while her cousins are out of town, so I went and helped her out.  Dogs are cute sometimes but not when they are trying to bite your face off. 

Next stop was our weekly snow cone 

peach, passion fruit and pina colada

Saturday I woke up early to go on a run with my high school team. Always good to visit and run with them. Also I had college friends come down and visit!  Erin brought her friend Lainee down to visit for the weekend. So much fun but it was crazy weird having another lainee around. We swam, went out to eat and partied. Its weird to think my college girls left just a month ago... it seems like it has been forever. So glad erin could come down for the weekend. 

I owed the boys yogurt land for helping me clean the house before my parents got home from girls camp. Plus we had 10oz free!

Yes, I put sour gummy worms in my froyo and it's the best. 

Expectation vs reality. 
We visited the puppies once again and like I said....I like them til they bite me. 

We then went to shawnees and made crepes for dinner / dessert. 
This is my "look how delish this looks, Im the best smores crepe 
maker ever, no one can beat me" face. 

Tada! It even tasted better than it looks. Fun week with fun people!


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