
This week I was able to see my little high school friends enter the real world. Just kidding. Graduation really isn't that big of a deal, but in the moment it sure does seem like it.  I still remember the feeling of graduation...weird, crazy, sad, yet exciting. I didn't feel old enough to be graduating and going to college (still don't feel old enough). But its exciting to leave that part of life and do something new. I was a good friend and watched my pals walk through the DH but I wasn't as nice as they were to me. The schimmys sat through the whole ceremony last year.  I, on the other hand, showed up an hour late and watched from the hallway.  OH well, i was there right?! It was so fun to see all my high school friends and to visit with some of my older friends like rachel.  After the grad ceremony, we took pictures, visited with friends and coaches and then we hit up Tropical Smoothie for a treat.  

Not too crazy of a week.  Many days spent in the pool.  I went and watched jack play baseball for the first time in a while and dang he impressed me.  Not to be rude, but the last time I watched him he wasn't so great.  This time he hit some awesome balls, stole the bases, played a good second baseman and his team ended up winning the game.  Atta kid Jackjack. 

Short blog this week, but memorial day is tomorrow. Don't have any plans as of now, but probably just a relaxing day swimming.  Dad and seth have to go back up north to finish off the memorial day tournament.  Life's good,  and we are most definitely enjoying summer here in the Wells household. 


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