He's feeling 42...

OooOoOoo 🎶🎶 No better way to celebrate the big 4 - 2 than jamming to a good ole tswift classic.  Today Dad turned 42 and boy was it a party.  We started off the day with a 6am run in the rain, work, some leftover pizza for dinner and then off to some bishop duties.  Sounds like a party to me...  We actually celebrated last night at dads recent favorite: Rigatti's. He got a nice big buffalo bob pizza all to himself. Best birthday ever. Mom also made a dang good sheet cake, oh and I almost forgot the kodiak cakes for breakfast. All about the gainz amirite?! ahah.  Anyways I thought Id give a birthday shoutout and keep the tradition going just like grandma!  Thanks dad for everything you do for me and the family.  Thanks for always making time in your busy schedule to hangout with us kids and help mom around the house.  I love going on cool adventures with you and seeing new things - trans zion this year?  You're the best dad ever. Thanks for all you do pops, hope 42 treats ya well. 
 Love you. 



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