Weird bug girl

Well I'm home again.  And its been pretty dang nice. I was blessed with a week off work, which is very needed since I am now transitioning back to day shift. I am now successfully sleeping during the night, but still just wanting naps during the day so hopefully I get over that by thursday. Enjoy these random pictures from St. George...

Me and jackie. 

Tuacahn with the parents. We saw Joseph and the technicolor dream coat... I guess I kind of figured it was going to be some old boring bible story. Nope it was a very colorful, modern twist on an old bible story. Always fun to spend a nice evening at tuacahn. 

a solo mountain bike ride for me on saturday morning. Dad would've joined me, but he was running the grand canyon with his buddies this weekend. (his 5th rim to rim to rim)

As I was grinding uphill the first half of the ride I was searching for tarantulas. Quite literally hoping and praying to find one and right as I was beginning the downhill there was one walking across the trail. I almost hit it, but was able to dodge it and slam on my brakes. Picked it up and he was a pretty chill guy and walked right onto my hand. Stoked is an understatement. Yes,  Im that weird bug girl... one of the many reasons Im probably still single haha. Just kidding... this should be a reason to wife me up lets be real - Im pretty cool. 

and lastly... this beautiful family photo. In other news - I had a doctors appointment today. Haven't seen my rheumatologist in awhile, so it was good to talk with him. Everything is looking good and he prescribed me some medication for breakthrough pain when running becomes too painful. Hopefully I can slowly get back into shape - been saying that for awhile, but I'm trying ok! Another cool thing that happened this week is I spoke to my bishop about going through the temple! It was a pretty cool sunday because our lesson in relief society was on Elder Bednar's recent conference talk. We talked about garments and the temple and the spirit was just super strong - especially because Ive already been thinking a lot about this stuff. Also kind of crazy  to know that it was a random ward I went to - but heavenly father gave me what I needed. Pretty cool tender mercy and just an overwhelming feeling of what Im doing is the right thing and what God wants me to do. So thats freaking cool. Yep. Thats it. Sorry for the late blog. Love you guys!


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