Marathon Weekend baby!

 Hello hello hello, coming at you live from work once again.... I snuck into the back nurses station and honestly just wanna take a nap in this quiet dark room, but Im dedicated so instead, Im blogging. Well, this week is one of my favorite weekends of the year... St george Marathon! But first picture to start off the week...

Thursday morning, after working all night I swung by mcdonalds to get some breakfast and I headed south. Not smart - but I made it. Besides a headache I was actually doing really well. When I got home, mom recommended I take a little nap. So I played on the couch and slept for an hour and a half, woke up, went upstairs to my bedroom and sleep another four hours. My sleep schedule is so jacked up at the moment. Friday me and mom got done a ton of errands, shopping, and picked up lots and lots of pasta for the family. I got to go to the marathon expo with Dad and Jack friday afternoon.

Kind of a bummer to still not be able to run this year... especially when I was signed up for it thinking I would be able to do it. BUT its ok. I am so happy with the progress Ive been able to experience this year. It would be really easy to still have a crappy attitude about the whole thing, but man Im really grateful for where Im at and what my body is letting me do currently. Im so grateful for medications that allow me to live my life, go to work each day, live mostly pain free and even run an occasional short run. I remember praying for this back in the day so how could I not be happy about it now? doesn't mean Im not going to try for the marathon again next year tho! 

Friday night in pine valley!! Me and drewby took grandma's pink moped for a spin. Its always fun talking with all the runners and hearing their plans for race day and eating lots of carbs with the family. I drove home friday night and was up early the next morning to cheer them on. Jackie ran the half and absolutely crushed it. I think his goal was sub 2 hour?? I could be wrong, but he smashed that goal. Finishing time was one hour and 33 minutes. With ease might i add. He looked so good all the way through the finish. Oh and he gritty'd across the finish line - epic. 

Instead of getting a cup of chocolate milk he asked for the whole carton. Poor kid couldn't just go home after his race - so this is him waiting for the marathon finishers. 

Miss Ashley ran the half as well - and freaking PR'd!! She didnt know I would be on diagonal waiting for her so it was a fun little surprise. Hey if I cant run, you best believe Imma be a dang good supporter. And next up were the marathoners... I did not take this picture, but I think we should start having a competition for best pre-race outfit. 

so what happens is everyone in the house finds crappy warm clothes that they don't mind to be thrown away. This gives the racers something to stay warm before the race... yes dad is wearing my furry jacket. I believe Kyle is wearing a random jacket he found in the closet of the cabin. Fashionistas right there. I only got videos of them running by on diagonal, but both dad and drew crushed it. This was Drew's first marathon and he hit a 2:50. Dad Boston qualified and was only one minute off his PR with a 3:16. This is why I need to get running again! I gotta punch a ticket to boston again so I can go with them!!

drew flexin

The boys 

The fam - Me and seth rode from diagonal to the finish a couple times on our spin scooters to cheer for everyone and it was a pretty fun little morning. I love this family of mine and am super proud of all of them. Even proud of seth for getting out of bed at 7am on a saturday to cheer for this bros. The rest of saturday was spent chillin...

Sat in the cold pool for a little then dad went straight for yard work... crazy man. We watched stranger things, rested and had Texas Roadhouse for dinner. Sunday I had to head back up north for work. Which brings me to right now. I have two super chill patients that are both asleep right now so thats why Im able to blog. I swear Im not just a sucky nurse. Tonight Ive also filled out a couple scholarship applications and next up is getting started on my homework. The only way to stay awake is to stay busy... luckily I have plenty to keep me busy. Oh also my patient tonight told me that I should be a model. haha. No thanks Paul, Ill stick to nursing. Ok bye! 


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