
 Yep, thats me right now... delusional. It is currently 1:04 in the morning and Im quite literally pooped. but we'll get to that. First we gotta talk about this last week! Work hard play hard is the motto right now. I work a hard 3-4 days on and play hard the other days. Work is good. Its nice being by myself and having total control over my patients. I haven't had crazy difficult patients, but last week I did place my first NG tube. For those who need an explanation... I thread a tube up the nose and down into the stomach. Pretty cool - not very pleasant for the patient, but in the end it helps them feel better. After my last shift on wednesday morning I decided to treat myself...

Easily one of my favorite things about this time of year... pumpkin flavored everything, especially Jamba Juice pumpkin smash smoothie. mmm. Im already planning on grabbing me another one after my last shift this week. I finished up the last of my homework for the week when I got home on wednesday and then I crashed. That night I met up with my Europe gals for our traditional haunted house. We chose Haunted Forest this year and liked it way more than the one we went to last year. 

Love these gals. We always have such a dang good time together. One of the rules of the maze was to not swear. So when Kelsi got scared and screamed... instinctively she said "Oh Sh*t!" She then quickly told the scary goblin man "oh I'm so sorry, Im not supposed to say that" and he seriously just started laughing and it was one of the best parts of the night. Thursday was spent chillin. Ran a lot of errands and rested up. Friday (I have no pictures) but hung out with my roommates and later that night drew! He came over for dinner and then we went bowling and got krispy kreme. Its the best having him up here. Our power was out (all of orem has been losing power on and off for a couple days now) friday night so I went to bed really early... which led me to waking up pretty early on saturday morning. SO I went for a run/hike in the mountains. I wanted to run more than I did, but my back was hurting this morning. Still nice to enjoy the outdoors by myself for a couple of hours. 

The rest of saturday included working out, taking a midterm, meal prepping and work! So remember how I woke up early on saturday morning... yah I didnt get a nap, therefore, I went straight to working all night. Then I started my sunday off with church - which Im grateful for and so happy I went, but it added up to about 27 hours awake. Like I said delusional. I was most definitely head bobbing in testimony meeting trying to stay awake. Around 10:30 I finally got to sleep!! But funny story - so my sleep schedule is whack and my poor body is so confused, so around 11:30, only an hour after falling asleep, I woke up and looked at my phone. I saw the time and in a panic jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to get ready. I totally thought it was 11pm and that I was super late for work. This whole time I wasnt totally with it and all I can remember is going to the bathroom, getting lightheaded and just going back to bed. I don't know... weird. I partially woke up again around 2pm and stared at my phone for a second questioning what day it was, whether it was day or night, If I needed to get up for work or not and so forth. Just like before I fell back asleep before I knew it. And lastly I woke up to my awful alarm at 5:15pm - actual work time. Still woke up in a panic, but this time knew that I actually had to get up. I probably could've slept another 12 hours if I didnt have responsibilities. And tonight I am definitely still feeling the affects of lack of sleep. Kinda scary that they put people like me in charge of taking care of others when Im in this delusional state, but I guess we manage. Anyways - its now 1:48 am and Im gonna do some more homework and go on a few more walks to keep me awake. Thanks for reading! 


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