Starting now!

 Ok so short story short... nothing happened this week. Literally nothing, just work and school. Lots of work and lots of school. The end. Thanks for tuning in. 

See my only two pictures of the week - work. The first one is me just strolling the dark, empty, very scary hospital at probably 3am. The other selfie is me leaving the hospital for the very last time while on orientation! Exciting yet very very scary. So if you didnt know Im working nights right now and Im actually loving it. I get tons of homework done, I vibe really well with the night shift crew and it honestly works really well with my schedule right now. Im actually at work as we speak... first shift as a lone wolf nurse. All alone. And I was given a COVID positive patient and another patient who I did my first enema on. Fun stuff. 
But really Ive been in a slump y'all. Ive actually talked to a few people about it recently. Work and school are taking up Id say 90% of my life right now which leaves me very little time for anything else. In the end, something(s) get pushed to the side. I feel terrible about saying this, but I'm just trynna keep it real, my spiritual health is currently taking a hit. Im not saying anything harsh is happening to my testimony, but Ive just really been struggling to motivate myself to do anything when it comes to gospel studies. Usually I cant go to bed without reading my scriptures and praying, yet recently I don't even give a thought to doing those things before my head hits the pillow and Im out. Its a frustrating place to be in. I know there are times in our lives when other things need to be at the forefront of our minds, but this is just the beginning of a long busy life of working, school and taking care of myself and others so I need to figure out how to prioritize things. And Im starting now. NO more excuses. So hold me to it ok blog people? also I lied... one more picture...

me and my twin at church. We never take pictures in church but this was our response to ashley's text of a picture of her in new york... so yeah. also I kid you not everyone we meet asks if we are sisters. It cracks me up. I actually love it though and we usually play it off like we are. Also I did have a day off this week and it was spent hanging with jesse at the pool, going to the gym, watching a movie and I even went on a date this week. yes, you read that right - a date. Its been about a century since I went on one of those. Pretty fun, it was with a friend of mine so nothing crazy just hit up the arcade. Ill also add some pictures from last weekend with my gal friend roomies...

Our last summer hoorah. Life is crazy, but still oh so good. There are some days where I think... what the heck was I thinking becoming a nurse and then other days where it still seems like a dream that Im actually here. "The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives." - Ronald A. Rasband (me still trynna be spiritual) but really this is so true and this is why Im trying to refocus my life!! so much to be grateful for! I love you guys more than you know. and if anyone was wondering Im finishing this at 0350 am. Hope everyone is sleeping well <3


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