Life in P-town

Hey y'all. Im back with a wild week. To start off the week... work.

M, T and W were work days. And everything went really well, besides being cold 24/7 (but thats nothing new), until the last hour of my last shift wednesday night. Lets just say I cried the whole drive home. For many reasons might I add. 1. I was straight up exhausted 2. I had had some super sweet patients that seriously made my day and with the commotion of the night I had to kind of leave them hanging which made me feel terrible. 3. I was just overwhelmed with what happened and it left me feeling (sorry to be dramatic) but honestly like a terrible nurse. So here is a little glimpse into my night... I received this parkinson/dementia patient at 3pm. I had had him a couple nights before and he was super pleasant. Well, this particular day he was starting to be aggressive and was straight up refusing any sort of assessment, vital signs, food and so forth. So I left him alone. I figured I didn't want to disturb the beast and put him or myself in danger. So I just let him sleep. Well my nurse told me I should probably try and give him his night time medications. so I did. I walked into his room and just stated that it was time for his night time meds, well he was sleeping so I get closer to him and ask him how he is doing. He lets out the loudest scream Ive ever heard. I jumped back because he honestly scared the crap out of me. Immediately my nurse and others come into the room. We are all trying to calm him down, but he just keeps screaming and shaking his hands violently. Anyways long story short I was told to page the doctors for some IV medication to calm him down and then he becomes flaccid and unresponsive. So then I call the doctors to come asap. The patient was fine and we were able to get him into bed, I drew some labs on him and everything was fine. He was laying in bed very tense and still refusing to do anything the doctors wanted him to. He calms down for a little (at this point Ive been at work almost an hour longer than I was scheduled to be) so I give report to the next nurse when we hear him yell "HEY" then he starts angrily counting down because he wants food - specifically cream of wheat lol then starts aggressively flailing his arms trying to get out of bed. Idk. It was rough because Ive never dealt with something like this and I had no clue what to do. I felt terrible because the doctors would ask me questions and I couldn't answer them because I wasnt able to do anything with him all day because he wouldn't let me so I just felt super bad. It was a mess of an evening and I didnt leave work till after midnight. Then I just cried because I just felt like a bad person. I know Im not, but man some days get to me more than others. So moral of the story... I shouldn't have woken the beast, but in the same breath its my job to know whats up with my patients so like I cant just leave them alone for hours on end?? IDK tough situation, but lets just say Im glad I had the next few days off to recover. 

Best way to recover - temple!! Love this place. I always leave the temple with tears in my eyes and a heart full of gratitude. I love the time that I get to spend in the temple away from outside distractions and honestly just feeling so close to my savior. 

Drew came over for dinner thursday night. I made him a dinner of vegetables from the garden so we decided balance is key... and we needed a cookie. Introduced him to The Chocolate here in provo and he is a fan. 

Friday night with the roommates. 

Saturday drew spent the day waiting in line with his buddies to get into the BYU game. He sent me this saturday evening... living his best life....I sent him this...

I had to work a quick 8 hour shift saturday evening. Luckily nothing crazy happened - Thank goodness. I came on shift and the crazy patient from earlier in the week had been discharged woohoo... well around 10pm he was readmitted and will most likely be staying for a few weeks due to no one willing to take him because of his aggression. Wish me luck. Well, BYU ended up winning in overtime I guess. But not without missing multiple field goals which led to drew being on ESPN...

This picture makes me laugh so hard. I love it. Sunday my roommates and I were welcomed home from church to our fire alarm going off. Someone on floor three had a grease fire that did some damage to their apartment and all of us had to evacuate - makes for an exciting sunday. 

Sundays are even better these days because I have drew and his buddies over for dinner. I actually really enjoy cooking a good meal and getting to enjoy some company. We also did a mini early birthday celebration for him. 21 years of drewby. Crazy. More to come for drew's real birthday tomorrow. Provo is treating us well. Life sure is good and to be honest Im kind of pumped for the halloween season. Bring on fall! 



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