learning and loving

 Ahh! I finally have some time to blog! Im not even kidding when I say I haven't had any time the last few weeks to even sit down and just chill. So lets take it back to July 25th... I had the day off and was able to hang out with madi and Kelsi. Kelsi had never seen top gun SO we obviously had to go and see it with her.

Yes, Ive seen it six times now, go on and make fun of me, I don't care. Its a dang good movie what can I say?!? 

Its still crazy to me that I met madi and Kelsi almost four years ago in a foreign country. Grateful everyday for them and that experience. I then worked tuesday - Friday. I was able to have the same patient all week which was a super cool experience. He has been on the unit for quite some time and is one of the more needy patients. Im not gonna lie when I first got assigned him I thought "oh great, gonna be wiping his butt all day" well yes, I did that, but my attitude changed a whole lot over those four days with him! He was given some news that week about his cancer not being totally removed by his thyroidectomy, but that the cancer had metastasized to his lungs. Apparently its the rarest, most aggressive thyroid cancer and they are giving him three months to live. This was hard information for even me to hear! I loved my time taking care of this sweet man and the more I got to know him the more I wanted to do everything I could for him to make him feel comfortable. Its crazy how in four short days you can go from somewhat dreading taking care of someone to being so excited to come to work just to see and take care of that same patient. I love my job and the opportunity I get to learn to love everyone. This week at work I also had a lot of patients tell me their stories of the war. I had one guy with tears in his eyes telling me of a time when 150 americans were bombed my north vietnam and he was one of 12 that made it out of the bunker alive. I get to take care of these people who have experienced things that not many others have and I cant even imagine the images they still hold in their heads from their pasts. Definitely some eye opening conversations. Lastly, on Friday one of the veterans in the ICU was taken off the ventilator and died only a couple hours later. Apparently whenever a vet dies in the hospital they lay a flag over the body, and roll them through the hospital with music in the hallways. The family walks behind the loved one as we all stop what we are doing to put our hand over our heart and watch as they walk by. It was super sweet. I didnt even know this guy, but I definitely had tears well up in my eyes. Just an overall super cool week of work full of love. 

And this is how I treat myself after a long day at work. Seriously, everyday after work I drink a glass of chocolate milk. I love it. 

Woohoo and the celebratory selfie after my last shift... next up St. George! I was smart this time and didnt leave for stg right after my shift - I waited till the next morning. 

sorry a little out of order - but thursday evening we were invited to the lake by our guy friends! I just happened to be working an 8 hour that day so it worked out finally! It was chilly, but a fun evening out on the lake with good people. 

and after my shift on friday I had an appointment at the temple. The temple brings me so much joy and I love feeling the spirit inside. 

Lastly, saturday was spent with family, getting errands done and then dinner and a movie with grandma! We went and saw the new Elvis movie and she loved it. Well family, Im sorry Im two weeks behind but stay tuned for lake powell blog coming real soon! love you!


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