Glad this week is OVER!

 Aight, im gonna just say it how it is... this week SUCKED. I was sick. Worked the last four of seven shifts in a row. Had to pack up and clean my apartment. And then get my butt down to stg for a wedding. I was exhausted (actually still am), but ya know what... I did it. We can do hard things!! I never said I had a good attitude about it, but its over with and I sure am happy about that! Now for the good parts of this past week...

Costa vida! This picture documents the second time I had it last week haha. Spoiler alert... I had it again tonight. I guess its my latest obsession and honestly it just always sounds good after a long day at work. Plus, with moving out and now being somewhat homeless this week... I don't really have a place to put groceries so its been A LOT of eating out for me lately. Im over it. 

After my last day of work last week... I decided to call up madi. She lives in lehi so I drive by her house every night after work. I figured I didnt work the next day so why not see what she was up to. We ended up getting some food and chatting for awhile. She is starting her first big girl job as well and its fun to talk with her and relate on these new experiences of being adults. Madi is truly one of my best friends and Im so grateful for her. 

I stayed up till 2am on thursday night to pack and clean. I then woke up at 7:30 to finish up everything. I was supposed to be out by 9am, but I made it officially out at 9:45ish - close enough. I was in a bad mood this day if Im being quite honest. Cant you tell?! I hate living in such temporary places. Im just ready to settle down in my own place, but life just isn't quite there yet hah. shoutout to my mom though - just through some texts and phone calls she knew I just wasnt having it this week. She offered to come up and help me move out and ended up buying me a shuttle ticket so I didnt have to drive to stg after a long freaking week. The stg shuttle can be ghetto, but I don't even care because I was just so happy to sit there and sleep and not have to worry about driving!! Thank you mom. Guys I seriously call her everyday and rant to her about my problems and talk her ear off about my day at work and she actually keeps picking up the phone every single day. and I appreciate it. so thanks mom, I love you!

Nothing like some pine valley time to turn your week around! Ashley was in stg for work and the wedding, so I decided to see if she wanted to come visit our beautiful PV. and of course she did. We harvested potatoes and squash, did some yard work, showed her around the property, made new potatoes and just enjoyed the view from the back porch. It was a perfect little morning in pine valley. 

Then off to the ice cream parlor...

I love sharing my favorite places with those I love. Mid-afternoon we headed back down the mountain to get ready for Shawnee's wedding!

Still cant believe Shawn is a married woman! We haven't been as close lately as we used to be, but it was super awesome to see her just super happy all night. Happy for her and her new hubby! And pictured above is part of the party squad. good times with good people. 

Party didnt stop there - I felt like it had been forever since I had hung with A-aron so we hit up sonic and did the tortilla challenge and danced around and did what we do best. Man, I have such good friends. 

And lastly, a come back photo for grandma. She didnt like the last picture I posted of her on here, so hopefully you don't scream at this pic grandma haha. I think you look great no matter what! Love you! Well guys, it was a tough week, but Im grateful for all the people in my life that make it a little less sucky. Y'all are the best <3


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