I feel like recently life has been a series of internal highs and lows. One moment Im super proud of what Im doing with my life, where I'm at and whats in store and the next moment Im beating myself up, looking back on certain decisions and just unsure of everything. IDK man - the highs and lows of life are fun aren't they?! Well, this week was overall a good one and I think Ive come to find out that the definition of being an adult is being tired 24/7. I was actually talking with a co-worker today about how even on our days off we have to work hard to get everything outside of work done. I just feel like there is no break or actual "days off" in sight. And like I said earlier one moment I love it - being busy and the next I'm just completely done and exhausted. So moral of the story... still trying to adapt to this whole "adult" thing. To start out my week - I got this lovely picture sent to me and I just think its too epic to not have as the cover photo for this post...

It always makes my day when I get pictures from home - but this one takes the cake. Drew his senior year to now seth's senior year. I never thought they looked too much alike, but somehow they are literal twins in this picture. As for me... this week I was able to take a couple days to do some "self care" which we all know I love. I got a massage and honestly stopped by swig plenty of times throughout the week...

Ive never been a swig gal but Ive been living with uncle Mason this week and I pass by the swig every time I drive home sooo why not. This picture was taken in the temple parking lot as I was journaling. I haven't had time to journal in a while so it was nice to catch up in there. Thursday and Friday at work were HECTIC! I had three patients pretty much all by myself (the same three both days) and all of them were busy busy busy. I had one guy with osteomyelitis in his amputated arm, a man who was fused from C1-T2 and was nauseous with any move he made, and lastly a sweet old man with metastatic bowel cancer who needs help doing everything and honestly just wants to die. It was a fun couple days of running around crazy. The days went by so fast and I learned a lot. I love the unit Im on because I never know what Im getting myself into. We see so many different conditions, diseases, surgeries and anything in between so theres always something fun to learn.

Saturday I met up with my fam!! They came up for dentist appointments and to help me and drew move in to our new apartments. Good news: everyone but drew is clean of cavities! and drew only has one so woohoo! We celebrated at longhorn steakhouse for a yummy lunch. The younger boys and dad hit the road back home, while the other half of us tackled moving me into my new place. It sucked. I hate moving. But we did it and we shopped and got more swig and pizza and hung out at the hotel and had a good time.

Sunday me and drew hit up a random YSA ward and then moved him in. Oh and we had texas roadhouse for lunch. We are really getting spoiled this weekend.
And lastly - drew's new crib. He's already loving it up here and I know he's just gonna keep thriving. Im excited for him and the stuff he will accomplish here in P-town. I would say I love having my brother living in the same town as me, but honestly I think we will both be so busy that we probably won't be seeing that much of each other - I hope Im wrong, but lets be real here. Also I started school again today. Ive been dreading it all week, but honestly I was kind of excited about it today for some reason - even though Im choosing to blog right now instead of do homework. Anyways, I love my life and all the crazy busy things happening right now - even though Im having to try so hard to keep my eyes open right now haha I guess this is when I say peace out, time for bed, talk to y'all next week.
I love you so much. Hang in there. You’re doing great. It says anonymous but it’s b-Anna.