I aint worried

Another week, another sunday afternoon trying to figure out the title to my blog. Well I figured this one would work for a couple reasons. 1. its the title of a song in the new top gun movie that Im obsessed with at the moment which leads me to my first picture of the week...

Top Gun: Maverick round 2 with erin! but really the song is way good so look it up! Second reason this title is applicable is because its true... right now I aint worried about much (which is a breath of fresh air from last week). I have an official start date of July 5th and I couldn't be more excited! I get to see drew soon! Im pretty much crushing my bachelors program as of this term! and the list could go on. So Im soaking it all in, because I know life likes to throw curve balls.

Got to swim with this little girl earlier this week! I love being able to hang with my cousins and their cute babies - its the best. Wednesday morning I drove back up north to get my fingerprints done for my license! My official license came in my email a couple days ago - still doesn't feel real. The rest of the week was spent doing school, running and watching prison break with my roommates. (its our current binge worthy show - only slightly obsessed with it)

I have been super consistent this week with running. Ran everyday only about 3-4 miles, but Im working on it. I woke up saturday morning not feeling the best so I was going to skip my run. Well around 2:30pm I decided I felt good enough to go for a run. It was 96 degrees, but honestly still a good run. I jumped straight into the pool after my three miles to cool off and I think everyone thought I was crazy showing up in shorts, running shoes and my running pack. Oh well - worth it. 

Lastly, sunday selfies with my pretty roommates

Munch and mingle after church. We went for the munch and dipped out on the mingle part haha. Sundays are without a doubt my favorite days. I love the slowness. The rest. The spiritual recharge. The motivation to be better. The blogging. All of it. I love sundays. 


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