I feel like these past few weeks life has just been moving fast. So many BIG things happening and just lots of preparation for even more BIG things to come. Its definitely an exciting stage of life and Im loving it. So this week began with coming home from NYC, getting to spend a few hours in stg then heading back up to provo for the night and up to SLC the next morning for school. Even though I was exhausted from all the traveling - couldn't rest because I was welcomed to a week of homework, multiple exams and lab. It was an intimidating week to come back to, but it honestly went super smooth. I got all my homework done for the next couple of weeks, did well in my lab simulation and even scored really well on both my tests. I was particularly nervous for my Medsurg exam (as usual), but ended up scoring the best I've ever scored on any of his tests... 92.5% woohoo! and thats without the added points he usually gives us back. It was actually a pretty difficult test, so I was super surprised.

My st. patty's day celebratory face mask - these are the types of pictures I have to offer on weeks like this. Spent a couple nights at mandy and mason's place. It reminds me of when I lived alone in bluffdale for a semester and Im not gonna lie I kind of enjoy it. Its nice to not have any distractions and just do what I want whether thats go to bed at 9pm (which I did) or just spend good time studying.

Running update: this week felt so good to get back running! And by felt good - I mean that it was hard and kinda sucky, but as a runner that somehow still feels good. I ran a new time without stopping - 41 minutes! This week I have found a new motivation to want to be healthier, stronger and faster. As much as I wish I could snap my fingers and be in the shape that I was - I know thats not how it works so Im excited to keep pushing through and keep working hard to achieve my goals. And an update on my new job: I talked with HR this week and as of right now they are planning on bringing me on as soon as I graduate as a "nurse grad tech" until I get my license and become official. Which is exciting, but like I said life is moving quick and thats insane that in 6 weeks I will be working. ahh! I was looking over my most recent blogs last night and the progression of each week is crazy... me not being too happy about getting a capstone at the VA, enjoying my time at the VA, considering working there, sending in my resume, getting an interview, getting the job and now accepting the job and starting so soon! What the heck.

Dad flew into salt lake on friday afternoon so that he could take grandma's car back down to stg and we could pick up my new car. eeekkk. Ive never been a car person, I honestly could still care less about cars - but my new car ooofff she's nice. Seriously I'm obsessed. Erin actually called me today and she said "I cant stop thinking about your car" haha same. I was very very nervous to drive it off the lot. Like I think its one of the reasons Im so sore - because every muscle in my body was clenched the whole way home. I have been breaking her in quite a bit though - multiple drives up the canyon, around town, to swig and she now has a whopping 105 miles on her. Still thinking of a name for her so hit me up with any suggestions.
My baby. Dad and I hit up seven brothers for dinner yummm. That night was a movie night with friends. And the next morning was pickleball!

Saturday was a fun-filled day. Starting the day off with some intense pickle balling. Our last game was Erin and landon vs. Dixie and I - me and erin bet that whoever lost had to buy everyone dutchbros... guess who won.... heck ya....we did!! After I chugged my chocolate milk I ran a good little speed workout. Nothing crazy, but it felt good to get some quick turnover on my already tired legs. That night Erin's fam took me to the vocal point concert. Quirky little BYU boys, but very talented. And with the Hurst girls, it was a party. And ended the night with a little night hike because why not?? Man, I know I say this a lot, but I am so grateful for so much. Today in church the speaker said "Jesus Christ is the antidote for chaos." Our lives are chaotic. The ups, the downs and the unknowns. Our lives are busy, challenging and sometimes life just straight up sucks. Its amazing to know that Jesus Christ can help us through all of it. He's not just there to help us with our trials... or just our sadness. He is literally there to help us through EVERYTHING. And I also love knowing that He is there cheering us on through our accomplishments and our successes. He is right alongside us celebrating our happiness and hard work. And when I say "our" I mean us and Him - we are nothing without Him. Amen, hallelujah and goodnight.
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