Spring Break pt. 2

 EEK Lets just say a girls trip to NYC with your roomie is always a good idea!! Ash and I have been wanting to visit New York for awhile so we full sent it and bought some tickets a couple weeks ago. It was a weekend full of site seeing, eating lots of yummy food, shopping, fighting off hail storms and birds oh and smelling lots of yucky smells of the city. It was seriously such a fun few days but Im exhausted! I have blisters all over my feet and poor ashley hurt her knee pretty good from walking so much... New York is not for the weak haha.

We checked into our hotel around 10pm on thursday and immediately headed out on the town. Our uber driver told us this city never sleeps and boy was he right. I swear the streets (especially times square) are the busiest at night. Our hotel was right off broadway and seriously ten steps from our hotel to the left and you see the bright lights of times square. It was the perfect location for pretty much everything we did. 

Joes pizza... became one of our favorites and we might have gone 3 times in the four days we were there. 

The red steps at times square. 

We spent our first night just walking around and exploring. At rockefeller center they were filming a show - the marvelous ms. maisel - pretty cool. Sadly didnt see any famous people while we were there. 

Friday morning started with this! Lady liberty in all her beauty. We took a nice little ferry around liberty and ellis island. Friday was such a beautiful day - as you can see. 

Do we look like sisters??

Next stop was the 9/11 memorial and the One World Trade Center!

The 9/11 museum was one of those places that is just so surreal. It reminded me a lot of the holocaust museums Ive been to. Such a reverent spirit there. This wall in the memorial was beautiful. They had a ton of people paint how they remember the color of the sky on that morning of 9/11 before the air was full of smoke and fear. Its crazy to think I was alive when this happened. Its crazy to think that these new yorkers I was surrounded by this weekend could've been the ones who lost loved ones or were living within blocks of where this attack happened. There were some difficult pictures to look at and heart-breaking recordings that we were able to listen to. Emotional, but a super cool learning experience. 

We walked a lot this day! All the way from Battery park - where we left for the ferry, back up to our hotel on 40th street. We walked a total of 12ish miles this day and boy did we feel it. We stopped in at Levain bakery to fuel our walk - yummy cookies!!

Top of the Rock at sunset!!

Pretty Pretty city 

It was super windy as you can imagine. 

Dinner at Black Tap! burger and fries plus their famous "crazy shakes" neither of us finished any of our food because we were so dang full, but still so yummy!

And we ended this crazy busy fun day with my first ever broadway show!! I would not say I am the biggest fan of plays but the plays we saw this weekend were awesome! Aladdin - 10/10! We slept real good this night and even slept in a little bit the next morning. Saturday was supposed to be some crazy snow "cyclone" storm. We woke up to some rain, but nothing crazy. We got some yummy waffles at a close by place and then headed to a stranger things store and Madame Tussauds! Funny story actually - the wind did pick up quite a bit while on our short walk to the store. It was blowing against us and hail was just pelting our faces and anytime we tried to look up to see where we were going hail would just hit our eyes - kind painful. It was hilarious though, both of our eyes watering and freezing our butts off in the city. 

For those of you who haven't seen stranger things... stop reading this and go watch it. As roommates we actually just started watching it together so we loved going to this store to "experience" hawkins and the set of stranger things. We even bought ourselves some matching shirts to watch the rest of the seasons in haha so cute. 

And right next door was madame tussauds - wax museum! Kinda cool, kinda creepy! It was crazy how many people looked so real. There was a point where as we were walking around there was this guy listening to his phone... not moving... so we were like staring at him trying to see if he was wax or not. lol he was real. Cant trust anyone at that place!

Our model shot with these dinky sunglasses we got in the museum - fun little activity to get away from the weather outside. Then we hopped over to the empire state building to visit Walter Hobbs - haha I could only think of Elf while at the empire state. 

Of course we snuck this picture so we didnt actually have to buy it - who actually buys these pictures??

Went to this boujee pasta place for dinner. We made a reservation not knowing how nice this place was... I was seriously wearing sweats and my fettuccine was 25 buckaroos. I mean it was the best fettuccine Ive ever had so Im not mad. 

Ended the night with another play!! The plays were my favorite part I think of the whole weekend. And we were looking just so fancy walking into the theatre haha

We saw... WICKED! Cant go to nyc without seeing wicked!! It did not disappoint - I loved it. 

We might've looked like trash saturday night, but we got all dolled up for church sunday morning! Looking nice and clean riding uptown on the subway. 

Church inside the temple - super cool. 

Natural History Museum

dum dum give me gum gum

Walked through central park! 
I just wanna go back and do a nice long run around this pretty park. 

the MET!

Famous met stairs!

And serendipity for dinner... the best frozen hot chocolate Ive ever had (its what they are known for) (yes, I probably gained 10 pounds on this trip) 

Monday - our last day. Sad, but I was so tired and definitely ready to come home and get back on a routine. Walked across the brooklyn bridge on this nice sunny day!

Such a pretty last day. Man, what a fun weekend. Im so happy to have such good roommates to live with and fun friends that will travel with me! Well folks that was a spring break for the books if I do say so myself - I think I'm more tired now than I was before this break. Im ready to crank out these last 6 weeks of school and then freaking graduate! WHAT! OH WAIT... I totally forgot to mention... remember that job I interviewed for a couple weeks ago... I got it! I was offered a position as a nurse on 3west at the VA. And I am very very very excited - kinda nervous (how am I already graduating and getting a job?!) but super pumped. So I am currently talking with HR and getting everything squared away. Working for the VA its about a 3 month hiring process due to government paperwork and such so Im excited to be starting all this now so I can start pretty quick after I get my license. Lots of exciting things happening these next couple months, but until then gotta keep working hard. I am being welcomed with a nice week of homework, lab and 2 exams this week so hopefully my brain kicks back into gear. 


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