Life's what you make it! -hannah montana

Helloooo. This week has been a whole lot. So buckle up. Imma just pick up right where I left off from last week... Brian head! We spent a few days in the mountains skiing, tubing, eating whole lots of junk food and playing card games. 

Do I look like an onion? - seth

A pretty couple days in bhead and a fun way to end our christmas break!
Tuesday and Wednesday were filled with last minute errands before moving back up to provo on thursday. 

Last minute errands as in dutchbros with Erin. And a last hoorah to dairy because Im going back to dairy free - aka a sad, sad life. 

Thursday morning on our way up north, we stopped in at the cedar temple. Always a good decision!! Love the temple and Im glad Erin could accompany me.  

So if Im being straight up - Im not too pumped to move back up to provo, for a lot of reasons (Ill spare you the long list) But Erin told me to have a good attitude, so Im trying. 

So on the bright side - I was welcomed with a freaking awesome sunset. Erin helped me unpack and unload everything. We shopped a little bit and then met up with her mom for dinner at outback. It was delicious. 

Friday I became official at the VA. Im seriously so stoked. Please don't zoom in on my ID picture though.. sheesh they won't let you smile and I just look AWFUL. Oh well. One good thing about moving up here - I get to start school again. Woohoo - that makes me a happy girl. Hung out with Erin a little bit in between her scans at huntsmans. Then off to City creek to shop with birthday girl madi!

Madi and I met three years ago today. We slept right next to each other for four months, traveled all over Europe together, stayed up way too late having dance parties and making fun of each other. I am so glad we were put into each others lives and that we have become so close over the last few years. Also so happy to be the one she spends her birthday with. Love you Madi. Happy 23!! We celebrated with some birthday cake truffles from Rocky mountain Chocolate factory - spoiler alert they weren't that good. 

We kept the party going all weekend long. Kelsadillas and cake at Kelsi's. Then the next morning we headed to Idaho! Why Idaho in January you are probably asking... to be more specific... Lava Hot Springs. 

It was a nude hot spring...

lol kidding. I would never. We spent a lot of time in the coolest tub... 102 degrees and a little bit of time in the hottest tub... 112 degrees. Im honestly surprised we didnt leave blistered after that spring. Fun times were had and we ended the night with a dang good dinner and some jamming in the car. Fun weekend and I love these gals. and its true - life is what ya make it. so make it good. make it fun. 


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