Boring title this week... I know. but this week is just same ole same ole - LIFE. the ups and downs, highs and lows, ya know? Well I started off this week with a very, very early morning. 0440 to be exact. I had a shift at Primary Children's hospital. But oh they don't have any parking due to construction so I had to figure out the utah trax. It was a somewhat stressful morning trying to figure all that out while getting to the hospital on time by 0630. Well I was about to be late so I parked illegally and hopped on the train - hoping and praying my car would be there after 12 hours. Got there on time and our instructors were dropping us all off at our different units. Me and this other girl were the last ones to be dropped off. Our instructor let us know that the two last units were OR and something else (I tuned out) and he said that I was assigned to OR!! I was so stoked. Ive been interested in OR for awhile now so I was so excited to actually see what its like and if it is something I would enjoy in the future. I can report back and say it is definitely something I am interested in! Such a fun day. And I even enjoyed being with the kids (maybe because I didnt have to spend too much time with them or their parents.) Just super cool to see the whole production - anesthesiologist, surgical techs, nurses, surgeons etc.

I even think I look cute in the scrubs :) but really I felt so cool and legit. So I was in the main ENT OR room. A couple minor procedures such as an esophageal dilation of a 4 month old boy, and some lesions were removed from this other little boys ears. The big surgery I saw is called a tympanoplasty. The fellow made an incision under the ear drum to access the middle ear bones. He inserted a prosthetic to take the place of the incus and malleus. Cut a skin graft from the back of the ear to help with conduction and to decrease risk of rejection. Then he puts the ear drum back over the top and calls it a day. All done with the smallest little instruments and via endoscope. It was crazy cool. The last procedure of the day was actually an ortho surgery. Biopsy of the fibula - honestly this was the gnarliest one to watch. These docs just going at this little girls fibula. Scraping and digging out chunks of this bone. Man, cool stuff. And after a long, but fun day, I remembered my car... oh shoot. I started praying again that it would still be there. I got off the tax and holy cow my carl was still sitting in the parking lot. I was so relieved. He did have a ticket on the window, but I was just glad it didnt get towed! I go to see how much my ticket is for - oh blessed day. It was only a WARNING! Someone is really looking out for me sheesh.

I was very shocked and very very happy as you can see. Tuesday was my last Med Surg lab - kind of sad day. Ive loved my lab group and have had a lot of awesome experiences this semester. They made lab such a safe and fun learning environment which I appreciate. And after lab I did some baptisms in the draper temple! First time at that temple. One of the best parts about living up here - all the temples!
Wednesday I full sent it and got a chemical peel. So this was my face right after. A little burny for sure and now day 5 it is peeling quite a bit. #treatyoself gotta keep this 22 year old skin as long as possible.
This week we also started really getting into the christmas spirit around here. I sat doing homework while watching Ashley go to town on our apartment. It made me laugh watching her because we are two totally different people ahah. We do a good job balancing each other out I guess. And Im grateful she keeps our apartment looking cute and feeling homey.
Pickle ball on a cold thurdsay night. But hey we didnt have to fight anyone for the courts so even in the winter it may still be a tradition.
Which brings us to friday - Erin came to town!! Our old teammate Billie was running for Weber in the regional XC meet. She crushed it. Like crushed it. 12th overall and a ticket to florida for nattys! I also got to cheer on some other old teammates like Kale and bailey :,) I miss running. And Im jealous of all of them. That afternoon I left town with erin to go to Emery County. my second home lol. This weekend we watched some basketball games, separated the calves, danced hard at a wedding reception and just partied on the farm.

I love how I feel right at home with the hurst family. Grateful for them and their willingness to always let me stay the weekend. Today in church the bishop announced a new thing we will be doing the next month to welcome in the Christmas season and center our teachings on Christ. For second hour the bishopric will be teaching and focusing on The Living Christ. So for sacrament meeting today our meeting was a big intro to the whole thing. We read the document as well as sang and listened to musical numbers about christ and his life. It was super cool and Im excited to dive into this topic and learn more about our savior. any who - today we are having a "friends giving" so that should be fun. Love you all. <3
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