And I am so pumped. Terrified, but pumped! SO this week started off with my first ever night shift. I was nervous for the fact that I was unsure if I would be able to stay up all night. I was also super excited to see how it was going to go though. Well it went 100x better than I thought it was going to. I was assigned the NICU at IMC. I can honestly say I feel very comfortable taking care of adults... babies not so much. Especially one pound 29 week old infants. I made it very clear to my nurse preceptor that I had absolutely no experience in this field nor did I have the desire to be in this field in the future. She was awesome to work with though. And after a night with these babies... I still don't see myself in this field, but it wouldn't be the worst place to end up working I guess. We had two babies - one 30 week old boy and a 28 week old girl (she was born at 23 weeks and 5 days). We spent the night doing a lot of feedings, hourly roundings, changing diapers and other assessments. Around 0230 we took our "lunch" and were welcomed at 0300 with an emergency C-section of a 29week old. I got to stand at the window in the NICU room where they passed the baby through to our side. So I was able to see the C-section and then how the NICU nurses resuscitated this baby and worked their magic. I was mind blown. One of the coolest things Ive ever experienced. Literal miracle of life right there. I saw the placenta, the nurse place an IV in this itty bitty human, another nurse giving the baby breaths and the NP placing an umbilical IV. OH also seeing the doc yank the baby outta the uterus and sewing the uterus up. Gnarly night and I think this is one reason I was able to stay awake so easy. Towards the end of my shift there was another baby really struggling to breathe. It was right before shift change, but they were preparing for intubation. Didn't get to see it, but I hope the little guy made it.

I left the hospital around 0730 and I still wasnt tired! I think my body by this point just knew it was morning so I was supposed to be awake even though I hadnt slept in almost 24 hours. Got home and did some homework and showered before I layed down for a nap. I slept from 9-1230. I wasnt tired until I woke up. I felt like I had been hit by a train. Dizzy, disoriented, headache - not good. But I really just wanted to get on the road to st george so I had some food and full sent it. The food helped a ton and I was fine the rest of the day. I actually didnt go to bed till 12:30 that night so 38ish hours and only 3.5 hours of sleep. Im actually really wanting to work nights once I graduate so Im excited. Tuesday night I got to hang out with my parents for a little bit before they ditched us. I was "mom" again this week. See ... glimpse into my future... night shifting and being a mom. Seems like a pretty good future to me.
I miss these hooligans.
They're getting so big :,)
Wednesday morning the parents left so that means party at our house! The cousins came over and we hot tubbed and roasted smores. Kinda fun because we were all home alone this weekend anyways. So the reason Mom and Dad left town was to head to Florida for the Ironman. Dad, Kyle and Mason all finished their first ever full Ironman... pics to come.
Spent some wild nights with Erin.
If anyone is ever in need of a FUN night - just give us a call.
Jack even joined in on the fun.
Refer to the family instagram for some quality videos.
Went on a fun afternoon hike with Landree and Lettie. She is getting so big! (lettie and landree lol she's due in february) Also shoutout to southern utah for letting me bask in the sun in a short sleeve shirt. Man, screw all four seasons - high 70s in november is my jam.
A lot of free time was spent playing games, doing homework and bowling...
I took this picture right as the screen was changing but do y'all see that?! My first ever TURKEY! happy early thanksgiving to me. Plus a new PR.
I was kinda on fire, not gonna lie.
On saturday sethy had Sadies. These two were definitely matchy matchy haha. Fun week with the boys. Im always ready to head back up north when the time comes, but I also just love being home with my family. Glad that I get the best of both worlds. I also finished my second book this week. OH ya by the way, I read now. I just finished the book "Falling to Heaven" and it was bomb. I just wanted to share this quote that ended the book, "Happiness, like heaven, may seem above us, but it turns out that we find both of them by falling." DEEP! i know. Humility and falling at Christs feet and realizing we are nothing, absolutely nothing with out him - yet we can be everything we need to be if we turn to him. That is how we can achieve true and forever happiness. A difficult thing to do for sure, but a good thing to work towards.
And to end this blog on an epic note - look at those happy Ironmen. I don't know many details, but Im excited to hear all about it. I come from one cool family.
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