Fall break 2021 - a banger! But actually - it was. It was just what I needed. I came down to St. George Wednesday morning. It would've been tuesday after lab, but I actually went indoor climbing with some friends and it was so much dang fun. I actually full sent a 5'11b and did it decently. I said it in my last blog and probably a ton of other blog entries, but I have some awesome people in my life. So many people have shown so much love for me these past couple weeks and I am just so so grateful. anywho - got to st george and hung out with the fam. We decided on fall break plans pretty last minute. I looked into going and doing baptisms in the Las Vegas temple. There was an opening for 3pm on Friday. We then looked into mom getting an appointment for initiatory and boom 3pm opening. Thats a good ole miracle right there folks. A slap in the face saying that is what we were meant to do this fall break. We said goodbye to dad friday afternoon (he had plans to hit up the grand canyon with mason and nick) and we headed to Vegas. None of us had ever been to this temple or actually ever seen it. And now we know why... it is tucked up as far east as you can go right under the mountain. No where near the downtown of sin city. I was so super excited to go to the temple again - it had been way too long.

Plus it was warm and sunny. oof nothing better. We walked the grounds for a little and sat in the sun (we were pretty early to the appointment). I wasnt mad though. I enjoy taking my time at the temple.

I always love hearing the temple workers' testimonies... What really hit me was when they spoke about the people we were doing work for. We might not remember them, but they will forever remember us. They will be there waiting for us - ready to thank us for doing their work and setting them free. That's pretty epic. We have all these people on the other side just waiting for us to go to the temple for them! Plus while doing that work, we get to be in the temple and feel of the spirit and come closer to our savior! Its a win win. I don't know where I heard this, but its true... the temples are a piece of heaven here on earth. It is so cool to know you can escape the chaos of this world just by entering into one of the houses of the lord. Seth got to baptize me, jack and some others. It was his first time and he did awesome!

And what is a vegas trip without our favorite restaurant - BJ's. Cookies and creme pizookie - mine and jacks go to. We waddled out of there after our 2000 calorie meal and chilled at the hotel the rest of the night watching some baseball.
I have been pretty invested recently in this post season baseball. Sadly neither of the teams I was going for (dodgers or red sox) advanced... sad day. World series 2021 will be Astros vs Braves. So I guess go Braves! Saturday we slept in and then hit the mall. Jack did the most damage. Mom got me a nice dress coat to wear to church in the winter. Quick trip, but super fun.
Oh and this is what dad was up to.... fourth R3. Im jealous - hopefully one day.
I came back up north monday afternoon. Monday night was rough y'all. I was in a funk - no motivation to do anything, and just straight up in a bad mood. If Im being honest I went to bed at 6:50pm and just cried. This week has been an emotional rollercoaster, to say the least. BUT at least I do indeed have good moments. This week I have decided to focus on bettering myself - in a few different ways. Physically - Im trying my best to eat better and exercise every day no matter what. In school - really really trying hard to put forth more effort into being a good, hard working student. And Im happy to report it has already paid off... my OB midterm was this week and I scored a 96% on the test! Anyone need me to deliver their baby? lol totally kidding. Spiritually - I have made a goal of reading the BOM every day with more intent and also something extra like a conference talk, come follow me or reading my "Falling to Heaven" book. I am also happy to report that doing these things makes me happy in some of the darkest of times. I have felt peace and hope and love and all things good from starting these habits. The best way to better ourselves is to turn to Christ. In the book that Im reading it mentions how the gospel is a way to rescue us from our self concern because we realize how much we need our savior. And this week I have needed HIM! In the times where I am sitting in my self-pity and all Im doing is worrying about myself, Ive learned the way to fix that is seriously opening the book of mormon or turning to the Lord any way I can. I immediately feel lighter and I remember that everything will be OK - because I have HIM. The tricky part is remembering we are in need of Him always - not just in our times of trials. As hard as trials are, man its a good thing they happen so that we have the opportunity to learn these things. Grateful for my trials and they way they bring me closer to my Heavenly father and shape me into a better person. I am also very grateful for loving, supporting parents who have listened to me cry on the phone every day this week.
Fall break also included morning run/bike with jack.
Last but not least - Ive been living the single mom life this week. I started nannying on tuesday and the parents get home tomorrow night (Actually tonight I guess - its currently 12:39 am sunday morning) Its been a long, fun week of carpooling kids to games/practices, forcing them to practice piano, making lots of food and cleaning up lots of messes, oh and letting them play probably way to many video games. Its a fun little job and these kids make it easy. I am excited to have my social life back though. Thanks for tuning in!
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