How? how is it november tomorrow!!!?! I don't like that at all - besides the fact that I'm pumped to jam to christmas music. This week has been FUN. not even lying really every day was just fun! Monday was FHE. Dallin (my fhe planning partner) and I hosted a pretty epic halloween bake off. Groups were given 75 minutes and 10$ to plan, buy and bake the best halloween themed dessert. Each group was also given a secret ingredient that had to be used. We were nice and didnt use to crazy of special ingredients like marshmallows, pecans and strawberries. It was a success though and it feels good to have done so we get another 6ish weeks off of planning. Tuesday I had lab. I was primary nurse for the simulation and it went pretty well - my patient didnt die woohoo. And that night I went and saw the movie dune with some friends. No pictures until wednesday - my temple date! with myself ahah. Great way to start the morning for sure.

I love the feeling of escaping the world that the temple brings me - A getaway from the burdens of life.
The rest of wednesday I spent the day with Jesse. We did some costume prep and got pumped for halloween.
Jesse is one of the most talented and creative human beings. She sewed and made her whole costume (Marie antoinette) Me on the other hand... well I don't wanna give my costume away but it was definitely not as creative...
but here is a sneak peek. haha
Thursday was my school day. Guys I'm really thriving and enjoying school right now. I actually have a lot of motivation to study and do well. It helps that everything is just starting to click and make complete sense. Anyways I took my med surg test this week on the respiratory/renal/cardiac units and I ended up with a 95% on it! what the? I haven't gotten these good of grades since first semester when I was living alone! But it feels good to just be extra pumped and motivated for school. Except my first night shift is tomorrow night and Im only 99% nervous for it. Maybe not nervous, but really unsure if ill be able to stay awake. Wish me luck. Thursday night I also went on a date!

First date in a hot sec - but it was super fun. Casey is actually a friend so it was chill and not stressful at all which was much needed. Haunted circus - 10/10. The best haunted house Ive been to in UT. Seriously so much fun. Friday I had plans with my europe girls!! Cheesecake factory for dinner and then another haunted house. Nightmare on 13th is usually super good, but it was way too congested so not that scary.
I cant believe its been almost three years since meeting these girls. Grateful for them. Friday night Madi came home with me and spent the night. We stayed up talking with my roommates for awhile. Friday morning we slept in and then hit the road for an afternoon in Park City! We really just walked around the boutiques and art galleries and then got some lunch.
OH and couldn't pass up gelato. Except I have never been so bloated in my life. My body hates dairy which is an issue because I love it. Worth it? honestly not sure, but it was delicious. Saturday night me and the roomies partied. And by partied I mean we party planned. Around 5pm we were pumped, happy and hit the town...
five stores later, hangry, tired and still had so much prep to do...
We were dead and it was only 8pm. Let me just say we stayed up till 1am prepping. Saturday turn up am I right? We did take some breaks though to do some homework... watch a bit of a halloween movie... and Jesse gave me a makeover. She made me look like I was 30 and had a face shaped from the gods.
Look at me. Yep thats me on the left. I know - I don't look like myself.
Sunday started off as a normal sunday. Church was good - our bishop spoke about having empathy for others and not being too quick to judge. Every one has a different purpose here on earth so no need to judge because they aren't the same as you. Then more party prep. Buckle up y'all because there is about to be a lot (and I mean a lot) of pictures coming your way.
And for the reveal... biker chick laynee.
Didn't think I could pull off the tats and piercings but its a look for sure.
Best looking roommates foshizzle
The cindy louwho wig was a hit obviously.
Colton and his girls lol
And somehow we always end up on the ground. Post party hangover with the gals.
Really though - party was a success. People kept saying "you guys know how to throw a party!" so it was a good night. We have a crap ton of left over food though.
Jesse and Ashley made some top-notch soups and desserts. This on the other hand was my project... the charcuterie board. It was a hit. Honestly the best idea for any party because people were just grabbing snacks all night. Glad people enjoyed it and it was fun to have some people over and celebrate halloween. Now for all the christmas festivities!!
And last but not least this cutie pic of us. This goes to show how fast I change out of my sunday clothes. whoops. So that is why I am in my pjs and my roommates still look pretty. If Im being real though - this is just how every day looks around here.
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