Hey y'all. Im doing good by the way. Really good actually. Im happy, healthy and having a good time. This past week was super fun - heading to Emery county, took my first test of the semester, learned how to change my own oil and Super Bowl parties. Well to start off the week I drove back up here monday afternoon. Tuesday morning shawnee comes over to workout. I love Tuesday/thursday mornings going to the gym with a buddy. I seriously have no motivation to go by myself which is so bad bc my room is like 20 steps from the gym. Like come on - it cant get much easier than that. For the record, I did go by myself this morning. holla. Tuesdays are my school days - super fun. It actually is. It is also Bachelor night with my gal friends. Speaking of these girls - one lucky lady got engaged last week.
These girls are actually way fun, very glad they accepted me into the group.
Wednesday afternoon I needed to get my oil changed. Usually I would have driven to Jiffy Lube so that I could be scammed into paying 100$ or more but instead I drove over to the boys apartment and had Joshua change it for me. We went gun shopping and bought my oil/filter. I was hesitant not gonna lie... we did a lot of googling and reading my car's manual (I didnt even know I had one of those), But 30$ later we bought the right stuff. Way cheaper than jiffy lube pssshh. We changed the oil out in the parking lot of his apartment. And yes I said WE. I kinda helped. I told my parents I could now change their oil in the future, but I think they stick with the professionals. It was fun and I feel way cooler knowing a little more about my car.

Bye bye old oil filter. I was planning on driving to Erin's for the weekend so this was on my to do list and taking my Med Surg test was another thing I had to get done before I left. Ok one of my goals this year was to put more effort into my studying. Well I think I'm doing even less than I did last semester, so I need to work on it. I did my usual 30 minutes of glancing over some notes then I just full sent the test. I just wanted to get it over with. Its the first test of the year so its a trial test anyway - figuring out how the professors do things. Well in the end I got an 85%. Not too great, but oh well. I was texting a classmate the next day and she asked how I did. I told her what I got, but that I feel like I did not put any time into it at all and that I need to do better. She said "If it makes you feel better Im trying super hard and its still kicking my butt - I got the same score." This shouldn't make me feel better, but it did. Im actually pretty proud of myself. Most people don't even think Im in nursing school because Im never stuck at home studying (again - not completely sure if its a good or bad thing) I think Im doing a pretty ok job with balancing things so gotta stop being so hard on myself. Now for the fun stuff... Emery County! Woohoo I actually love that place. I drove over to Erin's thursday afternoon. I planned it perfect so Id miss driving the canyon in the snow. We didnt do anything too crazy over the weekend, but I just love hanging with the hurst family and getting away for the weekend. We watched a lot of girls basketball games - nothing I thought I would ever say, but it was fun to watch erin's sisters. We played a lot of cards, watched movies and drove the four wheeler around the farm. We headed into the cow field where all the mommas and their calves were. We got off the four wheeler to pet this baby cow for a little bit. The momma cow was a little bit away and didnt like us touching her baby so she decided to step in and we booked it to the four wheeler. Pretty awesome.

Our shit-kickers coming in clutch
And this picture. haha. Erin had early morning basketball practice with the girls. This was taken once she had gotten home and I was still snoozing away. The hursts took good care of me. Tara made salmon and rice-a-roni. It was SO good. I think I could eat fish everyday. She also made chocolate chip cookies just for me too. They know me well. I came home sunday in time for church and the festivities. Lots of good food and company. Makes up for the lame game, but kinda cool halftime show ya? more updates to come <3
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